Category: Health and Nutrition

Sport Nutrition

Question RESEARCH PAPER Nutrition Scientific Research Reviews – Sports Nutrition Answer Introduction Sport nutrition is important for athletes to maintain their health and fitness. Nutrition plays a huge role in athletic performance, as it can affect how an athlete performs during any given activity. In this unit, students will learn

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Mental Health and Welfare

Human services professionals contribute to addressing societal issues; to do so, they might review the literature to explore recommendations others have made. These recommendations might be based on experience and/or research. Once possible recommendations have been identified, it is important to consider any potential ethical challenges that might arise in

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Triage Nursing

Triage Nursing             Triage is the process by which patient needs and prescriptions are chosen according to the truth of their condition. The fundamental role played by triage nursing personnel is to make the first assessment and to give first aid, if necessary, on any emergency admitted patients. The staffs

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Viral Meningitis

VIRAL MENINGITIS Definition: An infection that causes inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and the spinal cord. These membranes are called the meninges. It’s more common than bacterial meningitis and although rarely life-threatening. It can make people very unwell. Most people have a good recovery but for some

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