Category: Hospitality

Restaurant Equipment

RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT The equipment used in restaurants plays an important role in attracting customers. The restaurant operating equipment includes service equipment, furniture, fixtures and linen all of which equally reflects the standard and style of the restaurant. The atmosphere of a restaurant is largely affected by the kind of equipment

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Breakfast Meal

BREAKFAST Breakfast is the first meal of the day hence the name, “to break a fast”. Breakfast menus vary depending upon the country, custom and the occupation of the meal taker. Hence, breakfast dishes vary depending upon the customs, food habit and the nature of the job they perform. Breakfast

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Bakery and Pastry

BAKERY AND PASTRY Food items such as pieces of bread, cakes, and pastries are prepared in bakery for the purpose of selling. Ingredients used in bread making There are numerous of ingredients used in bread making according to their own distinctive flavour. The main ingredients are as follows: Flour White

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Meat, Poultry and Fish

Meat, Poultry, and Fish This module covers the essential knowledge required for meat, poultry, and fish. Different types of cuts, cooking methods, and storage procedures will be complemented with menus to practice the learning. MEAT Meat refers to edible flesh of warm-blooded, four-legged animals especially that of a mammal, for

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Dairy Product Lists

DAIRY PRODUCTS This module is about different types of dairy products derived from milk. Its treatment and storage process. Such as cheese, yogurt etc. Dairy Product There are different types of dairy products such as milk, cream, cheese, yogurt etc. They are of different types, and storage process is different.

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Vagetables, friuts and salads

VEGETABLES, FRUIT, AND SALADS This module will introduce different types of vegetables, fruits, and salads that are used in the kitchen, their preparation and cooking and serving methods including stored procedures and principles.  Definition of Vegetable Vegetables are the edible portions of herbaceous plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs,

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