Agriculture Questions Part 1 KCSE 2020/2021


Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Examination

1. Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
2. The paper consist of three sections A, B & C.
3. Answer all questions in sections A and B in the spaces provided and any two questions in section C in the spaces provided.

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. Name the camel breed with two humps. (1 mk)

2. List two disadvantages of animal drawn implements. (2 mrks)
3. Name the vectors for each of the following livestock diseases. (2 mrks)

a) East coast fever……………………………………………………………………
b) Rift valley fever…………………………………………………………………..
c) Trypanosomiasis………………………………………………………………….
d) Nairobi sheep disease………………………………………………………………
4. Give four factors considered when selecting a site for fish pond. (2 mrks)

5. List two implements that can be connected to the power take off shaft (PTO) of a Tractor. (1 mk)

6. State two methods of increasing the depth of penetration of a disc harrow. (2 mrks)
7. The diagram below represents Farm tools

a) Identify each tool (1 mk)
b) State one use of the tool B. (1 mk)
c) State one maintenance practise carried on tool A. (1 mk)
8. State four pre-disposing factors of mastitis disease in cattle. (2 mrks)

9. Outline four factors which would be considered when culling livestock animals. (2 mrks)
10. Give four reasons for choosing corrugated iron sheets in roofing of farm stores instead of
tiles. (4 mrks)

11. What is the purpose of fixing a ring around nostrils of a bull. (1 mk)
12. State one use of each of the following parts found in a tractor.
a) Carburettor…………………………………………………………………… (1 mk)
b) Spark plug …………………………………………………………………… (1 mk)
13. Name the mineral whose deficiency symptom is Grass tetany in livestock. (1/2 mk)
14. Give three post-milking activities in dairy cattle. (1 ½ mrks)

15. Name two livestock diseases controlled by the same vaccine and name the vaccine.
(1 ½ mrks)
Disease (i) …………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………..
Vaccine ……………………………………………………………………………..
16. State the role of the following hormones in livestock production. (2 mrks)
(i) Prolactin…………………………………………………………………………….
(ii) Oxytocin ……………………………………………………………………………
17. Name one parasite of bees. (1/2 mrks)

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.
18. a) Define the term food conversion ratio (FCR) (1 mk)
b) If a layer consumed 1kg of layers mash in a week, calculate its FCR if in the same week, it
laid four eggs weighing 70gms, 55gms, 62gms and 63gms .(Show your working) (3 mrks)

19. Below is a farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow.


a) Label parts A, B, C, & F (2 mrks)
A …………………………………………………………..
B …………………………………………………………..
F ………………………………………………………….
b) State functions of parts labelled D and E. (2 mrks)
c) Under what two field conditions is it recommended to use the above implement. (2 mrks)
(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
20. The following is a portion of a digestive system of a farm animal.


a) Name the class of animals with the above digestive system. (1 mk)
b) Name parts labelled B & C. (2 mrks)

c) What class of food is digested in the part labelled A. (1 mk)
21. Below is a structure found in the tractor fuel system. Study it and answer the questions that
Dust stabilizer

Precleaner D A

a) Identify the structure………………………………………………………………. (1 mk)
b) Label parts A, B, C, & D (2 mrks)
c) Use arrows to indicate movement of air in the structure. (1 mk)
d) State one factor that determines how often one should service this part of tractor. (1 mk)
22. a) State three properties of concrete that make it suitable for constructing farm building.
(3 mrks)

b) A part from concrete, name two other materials that would be required to construct floor of
milking parlour. (1 mk)

c) Name any two types of materials that would be suitable to use as litter in a brooder. (1 mk)

Answer any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided.
23. a) Describe the management of a dairy calf using artificial method from birth to weaning.
(15 mrks)
b) Outline differences between a four stroke and two stroke Engines. (5 mrks)
24. A) what factors should be considered when sitting farm structures. (10 mrks)
b) State six maintenance practices of a traitor battery. (6 mrks)
c) State four symptoms of anaplasmosis in cattle. (4 mrks)

24. a) Explain the methods of maintaining farm tools and Equipments. (8 mrks)


b) Describe artificial rearing of layer chicks from day one to end of brooding. (12 mrks)



SECTION A (30 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Name two dual purpose breeds of sheep. (1mrk)
2. What is a capon? (1mrk)
3. State four characteristics of eggs suitable four incubation. (2mrks)
4. a) What is embryo transplant in livestock production? (1mrk)
b) State three disadvantages of inbreeding in livestock. (1½mrk)
5. Differentiate between pen mating and flock mating. (2mrks)
6. Give roles of engine oil in a tractor. (2mrks)
7. Give a reason for using a queen excluder in a beehive. (2mrks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. State the use of the following tools. (2marks)
(i) Chipping hammer
(ii) Stirrup pump
(iii) Strip cup
(iv) Trocar and canula

9. Differentiate between ringing and crutching in sheep (1mrk)
10. Give two roles of crop in the digestive system of poultry (1mrk)

11. State four reasons why camels are suited to dry environment. (2mrks)
12. Give two aspects of proper and hygienic livestock house (2mrks)
13. List four factors that determine the amount of food consumed by an animal. (2mrks)
14. What is meant by the following terms as used in livestock breeding?
(i) Epistasis (1mrk)
(ii) Upgrading (1mrk)
15. State four circumstances that would warrant culling of layers (2mrks)
16. Give three reasons for housing the calves singly in their pens. (1½mrk)
17. Name a vaccine used for control both Anthrax and Black quarter disease in livestock. (1mrk)

Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided
18. Study the diagram below showing a farm structure and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the type of silo drown. (1mrk)

b) Name parts labeled A, B, C and D. (2mrks)
A……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (½mrks)

B…………………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrks)

C….. ……………………………………………………………………………………..… (½mrks)

D ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (½mrks)

c) State four advantages of using the above method of forage conservation. (2mrks)

19. Study the farm structure drawn below and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the farm structure. (1mrk)
b) Name parts labeled A, B, C and D. (2mrks)
A ……………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)
B ……………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)
C ……………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)
D ……………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)

c) What is the function of the parts labeled B? (1mrk)
d) State two advantages of using the above farm structure. (1mrk)

20. The diagram drawn shows the cross section of a fish pond. Study it and answer questions
that follow.

a) Name parts labeled A, B, C, and C
A ………………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)
B ………………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)
C ………………………………………………………………………………………… (½mrk)

b) State the function of the parts A ,B, and C (3mrks)
c) What is cropping in fish rearing? (½mrk)

21. The diagram below shows a farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the implement illustrated above. (1mrk)
b) Name the parts labeled G, H, J and K. (2mrks)
G………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………… H……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… J…………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………… K…………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………
c) Give one function of part labelled G (1mrk)
d) Why is the implement able to work well on a field which s rough or with many obstacles?(1mrk)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 24.
22. a) Outline the preparation carried out 7-10 days before a sow furrows (5mrks)
b) State signs of furrowing observed in sows. (5mrks)
c) State and explain five marketing factors that affect milk composition. (10mrks)

23. a) Explain three maintenance practices carried out on petrol fuel system of farm machinery
b) Outline five structural and functional differences between petrol and diesel engine.(5mrks)
c) State the causes of the following faults of ignition system in a tractor
(i) Sudden stopping (2mrks)
(ii) Continuous engine-running (3mrks)
d) Explain care and maintenance practices carried out on a tractor battery. (7mrks)

24. a) Describe lifecycle of three host tick. 6mrks)
b) Under the following sub- headings discuss East Coast Fever
(i) Causal organism (1mrk)
(ii) Symptom of attack (6mrks)
(iii) Control and treatment (3mrks)
c) State four reasons for castrating farm animals. (4mrks)



This paper consists of 9 printed pages

Answer all question in the spaces provided
1. Name a tool used for tightening barbed wires fencing (½ mk)
2. Mention two predisposing factors of foot rot disease in sheep (1mk)
3. State four advantages of hedges (2mks)
4. (a) Define the term “Zoonotic disease” (1mk)
(b) Give two examples of Zoonotic diseases (1mk)
5. Name the three methods of livestock selection (1 ½ mks)
6. State one use of each of the following farm tools
(i) Stock and die (1mk)

(ii) Garden trowel (1mk)
7. State one cause of grass tagers disease in cattle (1 mk)
8. State two causes of soft shell in eggs (1mk)
9. List three mechanical methods of controlling ticks in livestock (1 ½ mks)
10. State three maintenance practices of a trailer (1 ½ mks)
11. (a) name three implements operated by the hydraulic system of the tractor (1 ½ mk)
(b) Outline four general uses of a solar energy (2mks)

12. What is a “notifiable diseas” in livestock production (1mk)

13. Why should Irish potatoes not be fed to non – ruminants (1mks)
14. State four good qualities of honey (2mks)
15. State four desirable features of a rabbit hutch (2mks)
16. Give two reasons of spreading a polythene paper on the slab of a farm building (1mk)
17. Why is it necessary to provide grit to birds (1mk)
18. Mention four management practices that would ensure maximum harvesting
of fish from a pond. (2mks)

19. Name two dual purpose breeds of cattle (1mk)
20. State four ways in which vaccines may be administered to animals (2mks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided
21. (a) Below are diagrams of workshop tools, H, J, and Q. Study them and answer the question
which follow.

(i) Identify each tool (1 ½ mks)



(ii) What functional advantage does tool H have over tool J (1 mk)
(b) Why is the part labeled A an important component of the watering can (1mk)
22. Study the diagram below of a tractor- drawn implement and answer the questions that follow

(a) Identify the implement (1mk)
(b) State one use of the above implement (1mk)
(c) Name the parts labeled (2mks)



(d) Mention two maintenance practices carried out on the implement (2mks)
23. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow

(a) State the operations that are carried out on the parts labeled E, F and G (1 ½ mks)
E _________________________________________________________________

F _________________________________________________________________

G _________________________________________________________________
(b) State three reasons for carrying out the operation identified in E. (1 ½ mk)
(c) At what age should the operation stated in E be carried out (1mk)
(d) State three methods of carrying out the operation named in E (1 ½ mk)
24. Below is an illustration of an internal parasite in livestock

(a) Identify the parasite (1mk)
(b) Name the final host of the parasite (1mk)
(c) Name the intermediate host for the parasite above (1mk)
(d) State two measures used to control the above parasite (2mks)

Answer any two questions from this section
25. (a) List four ways in which power is transmitted from the engine and made available for use in
the farm (4mks)
(b) Explain the maintenance practices that are carried out in ignition system of a tractor (6mks)
(c) Outline the factors a farmer should consider to ensure fast and efficient cultivation
by oxen (10mks)

26. (a) Give the breeding system involved in each of the following cases
(i) Friesian sire mated with Aryshire dam. (1mk)
(b) List four disadvantages of Natural mating (4mks)
(c) (i) List three disadvantages of embryo transplant (3mks)
(ii) Give two reasons why a breeding boar may be culled (2mks)
(d) What steps can a farmer take to improve the indigenous livestock breeds in Kenya (10mks)

27. (a) Mention four methods of water harvesting (4mks)
(b) Describe the different types of micro-catchment used in water conservation (10mks)
(c) Explain the importance of micro-catchment (6mks)


Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided.
1. Name a breed of pig which has the following characteristics: black body with a white patch in the shoulders. (1 mark)
2. Distinguish between a zoonotic disease and a notifiable disease. (2 marks)
3. State four aims of livestock breeding. (2 marks)
4. State three factors considered when siting a poultry house. (1½ marks
5. State two advantages of using wood in the construction of farm building. (1 mark)
6. List any four farm structures that are necessary for holding dairy animals. (2 marks)

7. Name two methods of harvesting fish from a fish pond. (1 mark)
8. List five maintenance practices of a mould board plough. (2½ marks
9. Give two reasons why artificial insemination is not popularly used as a mating system in pigs
(1 mark)
10. Give any four non-chemical methods of controlling ticks in the farm (2 marks)
11. Outline four characteristics that enable camels to survive in deserts (2 marks)
12. If feed stuff A contains 7% DCP and B contains 62% DCP. Calculate the amount of each feed stuffs in kilogrammes required to prepare 100 Kg of chick mash containing 100% DCP.
(Use Pearson’s square method) (3 marks)
13. Name four predilection sites for ticks in cattle. (2 marks)
14. (a) What organism causes Brucellosis in dairy cattle? (1 mark)
(b) State four signs of brucellosis in dairy cattle (2 marks)
(c) State four control measures that should be used to control brucellosis in dairy cattle (2 marks)
15. Name four causes of pecking and cannibalism (2 marks)
16. State the use of the following plumbing tools (2 marks)
a. Stock and die
b. Pipe wrench

Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided.
17. The diagram below shows a livestock parasite.

a. Identify the parasite (1 mark)
b. Name two species of livestock the parasite infests. (1 mark)
c. How is the parasite passed from livestock to human being? (1 mark)
d. Give two forms in which the parasite is found in livestock (2 marks)
e. State two methods by which this parasite can be controlled. (1 mark)
18. The illustration below shows a livestock equipment. Study it and answer the questions that follow

a. Identify the equipment (1 mark)
b. Identify parts:
i) K
ii) L (2 marks)
c. State three signs of heat in rabbits (3 marks)

19. Below is a farm layout study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) State three advantages of having the homestead where it is located. (3 marks)

(b) Why is it important have the forest along the river? (1 mark)
(c) What sites would be appropriate to allocate beehive? (1 mark)
(d) Give three reasons for your choice in (a) above (3 marks)
Answer only TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 22.
20. (a) Discuss the factors that may predispose livestock to certain diseases. (5 marks)
(b) State the symptoms of tapeworm attack on livestock.
(c) Describe the general methods of controlling livestock diseases. (10 marks
(d) Give two methods through which the tractor drawn implements are attached. (2 marks)
21. (a) Describe the different parts of cattle dip giving function of each. (12 marks
(b) Give three differences between a petrol engine and diesel engine.
(c) State three main practices necessary for a tractor battery. (3 marks)
(d) Give two methods through which the tractor drawn implements are attached. (2 marks)
22. Explain the management practices carried out on piglets from birth to marketing. (20 marks


This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to
Ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.

SECTION A ( 30 Marks)
Answer all the questions from this section in the spaces provided.
1. State two factors that determine the daily feed requirements of an animal. (1mk)
2. State three major categories of tick control measures. (1 ½ mks)
3. Differentiate between skim milk and powdered milk. (1mk)
4. (a) Name a tool used for removal of gases which cause bloat in ruminant animals. (1mk)
(b) State the use of a ring spanner. (1mk)
5. What is the importance of dry cow therapy? (1mk)
6. What is epistasis in livestock breeding? (1mk)
7. (i) Define the term notifiable disease in cattle. (1mk)
(ii) Name any two notifiable diseases in cattle. (1 ½ mks)
8. Give three functions of a clutch in a tractor. (1 ½ mks)

9. Give three conditions that reduce the quality of eggs for hatching. (1 ½ mks)
10. State the importance of grit in the digestion of food in poultry. (1mk)
11. State two precautions taken into account when seasoning timber by air to be used for construction. (2mks)
12. Name four practices that can be carried out in a crush on the farm. (2mks)
13. (i) State the reasons for culling breeding sow. (1mk)
(ii) Differentiate between ringing and crutching in sheep production. (1mk)
14. Name the causative agents of Gumboro disease in poultry. ( ½ mk)
15. State two reasons which necessitate handling of livestock on the farm. (2mks)
16. State two predisposing factors to foot-rot disease. (1mk)

17. Give two harmful effects of fleas in poultry. (2mks)
18. Identify the following breeds:
(a) A goat breed, brown in colour with two white stripes from the eyes to the nose. (1mk)
(b) A dairy breed, light yellowish brown (fawn) to a shade of black, protruding black eyes, tail switch and muzzle are black. (1mk)
19. Differentiate between a four stroke engine and a two stroke engine. (2mks)
20. Name the two species that exist in camel. (1mk)
21. The diagram below shows a reproductive system of a bull. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the parts labeled M, N, O, P
M……………………………………………………………………… (1mk)
N………………………………………………………………………. (1mk)
O………………………………………………………………………. (1mk)
P……………………………………………………………………….. (1mk)
(b) State the function of the part labeled L. (1mk)
22. Study the farm tools illustrated below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the names of the tools labeled X and Y. (1mk)
(b) State the category under which the above two farm tools belong. (1mk)
(c) List two maintenance practice that can be carried out on tool Y. (2mks)
23. Study the diagram of the farm structure below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the part labeled M. (1mk)

(b) State the function played by the part labeled M in the above structure. (1mk)
(c) List three maintenance practices that can be carried out on the above structure. (3mks)
24. Describe the life cycle of the two host tick. (6mks)

Answer any two questions in this section at the end of question 27.
25. Describe general methods of disease control giving an example of the disease in each case. (20mks)
26. (a) Describe care and maintenance of water cooled engine. (5mks)
(b) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the animal drawn implements compared to tractor drawn implements. (10mks)
(c) Give five advantages of a four stroke engine. (5mks)
27. (a) Describe the management practices carried out on dairy calves from birth to weaning. (10mks)
(b) State five causes of cannibalism in a flock of layers. (5mks)
(c) Explain the rules observed during milking. (5mks)

Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Examination Agriculture Sample Questions

Answer all questions from this section in the spaces provided after each question.
1. State four predisposing factors of livestock diseases. (2mks)
2. What are the secondary host of the following livestock parasite.
(i) Pork tapeworm ( ½ mk)
(ii) Liver fluke ( ½ mk)
3. State two functions of calcium in animal nutrition. (1mk)
4. State why it is important for a farmer to inject piglets with Iron after birth? (1mk)
5. Sate four maintenance requirements of a jack plane (2mks)
6. State two reasons why ewes may abandon their lambs. (2mks)
7. Distinguish between caponisation and embryo transplant as used in livestock breeding. (2mks)
8. State four reasons why the feeding of colostrums is important in the rearing of young livestock. (2mks)
9. State four factors which influence the quality of honey. (2mks)

10. Give any four maintenance practices which are carried on a fish pond. (2mks)
11. State two roles of litter in a deep litter poultry house. (1mk)
12. Name four components of a building truss. (2mks)
13. For a farmer to rear healthy pigs he has to consider some factors when designing a piggery. List four of the factors. (2mks)
14. What is the causal organism for the following diseases.
(i) New castle disease ( ½ mk)
(ii) Bang’s disease. ( ½ mk)
15. Layers are seriously affected by stress. State four causes of stress in a flock of layers. (2mks)
16. Name two hormones involved in lactogensis and milk let down. (1mk)
17. State two conditions under which a farmer can only use ox-drawn plough and not tractor drawn implements. (1mk)
18. Give two reasons why a Jersey breed cattle is adopted to arid and semi arid area. (1mk)
19. State one functional difference between a brace and a hand drill. (2mks)

Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.
20. The following farm structure is used in tick control.

(a) Identify the above structure (1mk)
(b) State any four maintenance practices carried out on the above structure. (2mks)
(c) How can a dairy farmer control tick on a cow which is about to parturate? (1mk)
(d) State how a farmer can prevent the catle from drinking dip wash during dipping. (1mk)
21. Diagram A and B below illustrate livestock production tools.

(a) State one function of each. (2mks)
(b) What is the suitable name of the livestock production equipment B? (1mk)
(c) State four advantages of using the substance x collected in B above. (2mks)

22. The illustration below show different livestock families. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Zebu Family Hereford Family

(a) Identify the breeding system between
(i) C and A (1mk)
(ii) D and T (1mk)
(b) State the advantage of the breeding system identified in a(ii) above. (2mks)
(c) Why is the breeding system identified in a(i) not recommended in dairy cattle. (1mk)
23. The diagram below illustrates a farm implement. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the implement. (1mk)
(b) State the function of P. (1mk)
(c) On the diagram mark using latter R the part that helps to avoid side thrust of the plough.
(d) State two disadvantages of using the implements. (2mks)

Answer any two questions in the section.
24. (a) Describe the various hand tools used in the construction of a piggery unit. (10mks)
(b) Explain the factors to consider in locating a beehive. (10mks)
25. (a) Explain any five management practices that a beef farmer should carry out during the
Drought season to minimize the effect of low rainfall. (10mks)
(b) Describe the procedure of how a fish farmer can establish a fish pond. (10mks)
26. (a) Describe east coast fever under the following headings.
(i) Animal affected. (1mk)
(ii) Mode of transmission. (1mk)
(iii) Causal organism. (1mk)
(iv) Symptoms (8mks)
(v) One method of control (1mk)
(b) Describe the symptoms of diseases that can be observed from the faecal matter.
Give an example in each case. (8mks)

More Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Examination Agriculture Sample Papers


Answer ALL questions in this section

1. List two sources of farm power which are environmentally friendly (1mk)

2. State two maintenance practices that should be carried out on a feed trough (1mk)

3. Define notifiable diseases (1mk)

4. State four conditions that would encourage hens to eat eggs in poultry production (2mks)

5. Name four components of power transmission system of a tractor (2mks)

6. Distinguish between raddling and tupping (1mk)

7. State four advantages of treating building materials (2mks)

8. State four advantages of artificial calf rearing (2mks)

9. Give a reason as to why each of the following is important in the diet of young animals
i) Phosporus (1mk)
ii) Vitamin C (1mk)

10. State four reasons why a farmer would choose to use a disc plough rather than a mouldboard plough (2mks)

11. State four construction features necessary in a fish pond (2mks)

12. State three signs of anthrax disease infection observed in the carcass of cattle (1½mks)

13. Give three ways of stimulating milk let down in a dairy cow. (1½mk)
14. State four factors that would contribute to depreciation of farm equipment (2mks)

15. Give four uses of a tractor in the farm (2mks)

16. State one disadvantage of plain wire fence (1mk)

17. State care and maintenance done to a tractor battery. (2mks)

18. State two disadvantages of biogas as a source of power in the farm (2mks)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

19. Study the following illustration and use it to answer questions that follow.

a) Name the equipment illustrated above (1mk)
b) What is the use of the equipment (1mk)
c) Name the part labeled X (1mk)

d) What is the use of the part labeled X (1mk)

20. The following is an illustration of an internal parasite in livestock

a) Identify the parasite (1mk)
b) Name one final host of the parasite (1mk)
c) Name the intermediate host of the parasite (1mk)
d) State four measures used to control the parasite (2mks)

21. a) Explain the following terms as used in expressing feed values.
i) Maintenance ration (1mks)
ii) Dry matter (1mk)
b) A farmer wanted to come up with food ration of 1000kg with 28% protein.
Available feed stuff were sunflower (38% protein) and hay (2% protein).
Calculate the composition of the ratio using pearson’s square method. (5mks)

22. The following farm structure is used in livestock management practice. Use it to answer
The questions that follow.

a) Identify the structure (1mk)

b) Label the parts named E to H (2mks)
E ……………………………………………………………..
F ……………………………………………………………..
G ……………………………………………………………..
H ……………………………………………………………..
c) What is the use of the parts labeled E and H (1mk)
E ……………………………………………………………..
H ……………………………………………………………..

Answer any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided after last question.

23. a) Describe African swine fever disease under the following headlines
i) Animals affected (1mk)
ii) Causal organism (1mk)
iii) Symptoms (4mks)
iv) Control measures (4mks)
b) Describe the factors to consider when selecting livestock for breeding (10mks)

24. a) Give the differences between a petrol and diesel engine (10mks)
b) Describe five essentials of clean milk production (10mks)

25. Describe deep litter system of rearing poultry under the following sub-headings
a) Requirements (10mks)
b) Advantages (5mks)
c) Disadvantages (5mks)

Agriculture More Questions

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided
1. Name a goat breed which can be used for production of mohair (½mk)
2. State two uses of green houses (1mk)
3. Give two symptoms of mastitis visible on the black plate in a strip cup (1mk)
4. Give one use for each of the following tools
a) sickle ……………………………………………………….……………………………………….. (1mk)
b) secateurs ……………………………………………………..………………………..…………… (1mk)
5. State two causes of egg-eating in a flock of layers (1mk)
6. State four advantages of using stones as construction materials over timber (2mks)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Which hormone stimulates milk let – down (½mk)
7. Give two qualities of creep feed (1mk)
8. Give two function of testis in the reproductive system of male cattle. (1mk)
9. State four advantages of embryo transplant (2mks)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Name the two types of grass mowers commonly used in Kenya (1mk)
10. Give four situations which may necessitate the handling of livestock (2mks)
11. Name two diseases that affect female animals only (1mk)
12. State four characteristics of clean milk (2mks)
13. State four advantages of using animal power compared to tractor power (2mks)

14. State four ways of minimizing sediments in a plunge dip (2mks)
15. List four materials normally used for construction of a gabion (2mks)
16. State four reasons why daily maintenance of a tractor is important (2mks)
17. What is the function of chalazae in a formed poultry egg? (½mk)

18. Water snail (Lymnae spp) acts as a intermediate host for which internal parasite?(½mk)

19. State two roles of drones in a bee colony (½mk)

20. Name any four external parasites of sheep (2mks)
21. Differentiate between flushing and steaming up in livestock management (1mk)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided
22. Study the illustration given below and use it to answer the questions that follows;

a) Identify the parts labeled E to H (2mks)
E ………………………………………………………………………………………….

F …………………………………………………………………….……………………

G …………………………………………………………………………………………….

H …………………………………………………………………………………………

b) State a function of each of the parts labeled B, C, and D (3mks)
B …………………………………………………………………………………..…………
C ……………………………………………………………………………………………
D …………………………………………………………………………………………….

c) Name two digestive enzymes secreted by pancreas (1mk)

d) Describe the digestion of cellulose in the part labeled A (5mks)

23. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows

a) (i) Identify the structure above (½mk)
(ii) Identify the parts labeled P, Q, R and S
b) What is the importance of grass on the structure (½mk)
c) State any two factors a farmer needs to consider before starting the above identified agricultural production (2mks)
24. a) State two factors considered when formulating a livestock ration (2mks)

b) A farmer intends to prepare 400kg of feed containing 20% DCP for chicks using Oats with a DCP of 12% and soya beans with 38% DCP.
Using Pearson’s square method, Calculate how much of each feedstuff he will require
(Show your working) (2mks

Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided
25. a) Differentiate between a diesel engine and a petrol engine of a tractor (10mks)
b) Explain the maintenance practices carried out on the following systems of a tractor
(i) Diesel fuel system (5mks)
(ii) Lubrication system (5mks)
26. Describe the management of poultry from the end of brooding to the point of lay. (20mks)
29. Outline the procedure of carrying out the following routine management in livestock (20mks)
a) Bloodless castration (4mks)

b) Tattooing (4mks)
c) Debeaking (4mks)
d) Docking (4mks)
e) Tooth clipping (4mks)


KCSE Agriculture Question

Answer all Questions in this section

1. State two distinguishing characteristics of the Earlop rabbit breed (1mk)

2. Define the following terms as used in livestock nutrition?
a) Digestibility (1mk)

b) Ration (1mk)

3. List Four symptoms of parasitic attack on livestock (2mks)

4. State Four functions of water in the livestock body (2mks)

5. Distinguish between raddling and ringing as used in livestock production. (2mks)
6. a) List four features of a good grain store (2mks)

b) State two maintenance practices that should be carried out in a rabbit hutch (1mk)

7. a) State a function for each of the following parts in the chicken digestive system (1 ½ )
i) Crop
ii) Proventriculus
iii) Gizzard

b) Name the digestive juice secreted in the stomach of a ruminant animal (½mk)

8. Give two advantages of debeaking in poultry. (1mk)

9. Give three characteristics which enable goats survive in marginal areas (1 ½mks)
10. State four activities that should be carried out just before milking (2mks)
11. Name the most appropriate tool used in each of the following operations
a) Removing metal clippings in files (½mk)
b) Cutting wood along the grains (½mk)
c) Cutting identical marks on ears of an animal (½mk)
12. State four maintenance practices carried out on a tractor battery (2mks)
13. List four advantages of tractor hire services (2mks)

14. a) Distinguish between inbreeding and line breeding (1mk)
b) Give two advantages of cross breeding (1mk)

15. Give four reasons for maintaining livestock in good health (2mks)

16. Give two disadvantages of windmill as a source of farm power (1mk)

17. List two advantages of embryo transplants in livestock production (1mk)

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided
18. Below is a diagram of a fish pond. Use it to answer the questions that follow

a) i) Name the parts marked B and C (1mk)

ii) Explain why part D is usually deeper than the rest of the pond (1mk)
b) State two maintenance practices carried out on the fish pond (2mks)

c) State two benefits derived from fish farming (2mks)
19. Study the farm structure illustrated below and answers the questions that follow

a) Identify the farm structure (½mk)

b) Give two disadvantages of the above structure to a small scale farmer (1mk)
c) State the functions of the parts labeled F, G, J (1 ½mks)

20. Diagrams M, N, P and Q show some structures used in apiculture. Use them to answer
the Questions that follow.

a) Identify the structures labeled M, N, P and Q (2mks)
b) State the uses of equipments P and Q. (2mks)
c) State two advantages structures N has over structure M. (2mks)
d) State the uses of the parts labeled 1 and 2 on structure N. (2mks)


21. The diagram below illustrates the digestive system system of a ruminant

a) Identify the parts labeled S and T (2mks)

b) Name any two digestive processes taking place at the marked R (1mk)

c) Name two enzymes secreted in the part labeled V (1mk)

SECTION C (40mks)
Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided at the end of the section

22. a) Explain the limitations of tractor power in farm mechanism (7mks)
b) Describe factors considered in the selection of construction materials on the farm (7mks)
c) Differentiate between a diesel Engine and a petrol Engine (6mks)
23. a) Describe milk fever under the following sub – headings
i) Cause (1mk)
ii) Symptoms (4mks)
iii) Control (3mks)
b) Discuss six ways of controlling livestock diseases in the farm (12mks)
24. (a) Explain the operational differences between a disc plough and a mould board plough. (6mks)
(b) Explain the factors one would consider to ensure fast and effective cultivation by oxen. (8mks)
(c) Outline the use of fences on the farm. (6mks)

More KCSE Agriculture Questions

Answer ALL questions in this section in spaces provided
1. Give four disadvantages of pastoral-nomadism (2mks)
2. List four tools used in laying concrete blocks when constructing a wall (2mks)
3. State four factors that would determine the use of a JEMBE instead of a DISC PLOUGH. (2mks)
4. Give four characteristics that make indigenous cattle suitable to tropical conditions (2mks)
5. Mention four reasons for keeping health records in Livestock production (2mks)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………
6. State four signs of parturition in cows (2mks)
7. List six features of an ideal calf pen (3mks)
…………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………..
8. Give four advantages of Kenya Top Bar Hive (KTBH) over Log Hives (2mks)
9. Give two functions of a carburetor in petrol engines (1mk)
10. State four functions of the lubrication system in a tractor (2mks)
11. Give four advantages of embryo transplant in livestock breeding (2 mks)
12. Outline four non-chemical methods of controlling ticks in cattle (2mks)
13. Give four factors that determine the nutritional requirement in cattle (2mks)

14. Give two reasons for proper maintenance of farm structures (1mk)
15. State four symptoms of New castle disease in poultry production (2mks)
16. Give two features that enable the gizzard carry out its functions effectively (1mk)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………

Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided.
17. (a) The diagram below illustrates the reproductive system of a farm animal. Study it and answer the questions that follow

i. Name the parts labeled A, B, C and D (2mks)
A ……………………………………………………………………………………………
B ……………………………………………………………………………………………
C ……………………………………………………………………………………………
D ……………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. State the functions of the parts labeled A and B (2mks)
A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………B …………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(b) Give four signs of Oestrus in cows (2mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(c) State four disadvantages of natural mating in dairy production (4mks)
18. Below is an illustration of farm tools and equipment. Study them and answer the questions that follow

i. Identify the tools labeled E, F and G (2mks)
E ………………………………………………………………………………………………
F ………………………………………………………………………………………………
G ………………………………………………………………………………………………

ii. State the functions of tools labeled F an d G (2mks) F ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………G ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. Give three maintenance practices of the tool labeled E (3mks)
iv. State the functional difference between drenching gun and bolus gun (2mks)

Answer any two questions in the spaces provided at the end of this section
19. Describe the management of a dairy HEIFER calf from birth until it is mature for first service (20mks)
20. (a) Explain FIVE factors considered when locating The Farmer’s Living House (10mks)
(b) Describe the use of farm fences (10mks)
21. (a) Discuss the power transmission system of a tractor under the following sub-headings (10mks)
(i) Clutch
(ii) Gear box
(iii) Defferential

(b) Explain the operational difference between a disc plough and tractor mould board plough. (10mks)

Agriculture Questions for KCSE

SECTION A: 30 mks. Answer ALL the questions in this section
1. State the factors that influence the quality of bricks (2mks)
2. Give four functions of vitamins in livestock production (2mks)
3. What is the functional difference between a cold chisel and a wood chisel (2mks)
4. Give two signs that would indicate a cow has died of anthrax (1mk)
5. Distinguish between inbreeding and out crossing in livestock production (2mks)
6. Give two reasons for steaming up in dairy cattle management (2 mks)
7. Give two functions of drones in a bee colony. (2mks)
8. Name the breed of goat which is brown with strips running down the face to the nose (1mk)
9. Give four reasons of dim lighting in a deep litter house in poultry production (2mks)
10. Give three problems associated with lambing (3mks)

11. Give two feeding characteristics of goats which make them less vulnerable to internal parasites (2mks)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
12. State three maintenance practices carried out on a milking machine (1 ½ mks)
13. Why is it necessary to weigh and record the birth weights of piglets after birth? Give two answers (1 mk)
14. Give three methods that a farmer can employ to ensure maximum power output from a donkey carrying luggages. (3mks)
15. State four major qualities of wool. (2mks)
16. Give the function of omasum in ruminants (1mk)

SECTION B (20mks)
17. Answer ALL questions in this section below is an illustration of farm equipment

a) Identify the tool . (1mk)
b) State the use of the tool in the farm (1mk)
c) Describe the procedure followed when using the tool identified in (a) (3mks)

18. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the implements in diagram A & B (2mks)
b) Give one function of implements A &B (2mks)
c) List two maintenances of implement A. (2mks)

19. Diagram Q& R below illustrated livestock deficiency diseases , study the diagrams and answer the questions that follow.

a) i) Identify the cause of conditions in Q and R (2mks)
ii) Name the deficient nutrients in Q & R. (2mks)
b) Calculate how much of wheat (10%) D.C.P) would be mixed with sunflower feed cake (35%) D.C.P) to come up with duck mash 20% D.C.P (3mks)

20. The diagram below shows a farm equipments .Study it and answer the questions

a) Name the tools illustrated in F, G ,H,J

SECTION C (40 mks)
Answer ANY TWO questions in this section.
21. a) Describe the uses of power take off (P.T.O) in tractor (5mks)
b) Name any six essential parts of a spray race and describe their functions. (10mks)
c) Give advantages of Kenya Top Bar Hive (5mks)
22. a) Outline the routine management practices of piglets from 1st day to the 8th week. (10mks)
………………………………………………………………………………..………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………..

b) Describe the advantages of artificial insemination in livestock breeding. (10mks ..………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….
23. a) Write short notes on foot and mouth disease under the following sub headings .
i) Causative agent and animals affected. (2mks)
ii) Mode of transmission and incubation period (2mks)
iii) Symptoms and control measures (6mks)
B. Describe the importance of keeping healthy livestock (10mks)

KCSE Agriculture Questions for Form 4 Students

1. Name the breed of goat that produces high quality wool. (1mk)

2. Distinguish between: (1mk)
(i) Feed
(ii) Feedstuff ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. List three methods used in selection of breeding stock. (1½mks)

4. List three disadvantages of embryo transplant. (1½mks)

5. Differentiate between (1mk)
(i) Drift lambing
(ii) Pen lambing

6. Give two reasons for using litter in a poultry house. (1mk)
7. State two functions of a queen bee in a colony. (1mk)
8. Name the most appropriate tool used in the following operations.
a) Removing metal clippings in files. (½mk)
b) Cutting wood along the grain. (½mk)
c) Cutting identification marks on ears of an animal. (½mk)
9. Give three types of calving complications. (1½mks)
10. Give four features of a good laying nest. (2mks)
11. State three adjustments that should be carried out on a tractor – mounted mould board plough in preparation for ploughing. (1½mks)

12. a) State three reasons that make goats well adopted to drier parts of Kenya (1½mks)
b) State four qualities of a good creep feed. (2mks)
13. Name three reasons that necessitate handling of livestock in the farm. (1½mks)
14. Give three maintenance practices carried out for proper operation of a disc harrow. (1½mks)

15. List two tools used in closed castration. (1mk)

16. In what two forms does tapeworm parasite exist in its host. (1mk)

17. Give three practices a farmer should carry out after putting the eggs in an incubator. (1½mks)

18. State four functions of the lubricating system in a tractor. (2mks)

19. Give four factors that affect digestibility in livestock. (2mks)

20. List three non chemical tick control measures in livestock production. (1½mks)
Answer ALL questions in this section.
21. Below is a diagram of a sheep with some parts labeled A, B and C. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

i) What operation is usually carried out on the part labeled A during a sheep’s early stages of life.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… (½mk)

ii) Why is it necessary to carry out the operation in (i) above. (1mk)

iii) At what stage of sheep should the operation in (i) above carried out. (1mk)

iv) Give two methods of carrying out the operation in (i) above. (1mk)

v) Which routine operation is usually carried out on the part labeled B. (½mk)

vi) Which problem would occur if the operation in (v) above is not carried out? (1mk)

vii) How should the sheep be held when shearing wool around part labeled C. (1mk)

22. Below is a diagram of a rabbit hutch with some parts labeled Q, R and S. Use the diagram to answer the questions that follow.

i) Give three factors to be considered when siting the rabbit hutch. (1½mks)

ii) How should the materials used for constructing parts Q and S to be treated so as to last long?(1mk)

iii) Name the appropriate tools that can be used to cut the materials for constructing Q and S (1mk)

iv) Give two reasons for raising the rabbit hutch above the ground level. (1mk)

23. The diagram below shows an artificial vagina. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Outline the procedure of collecting semen using the artificial vagina drawn above. (2mks)

b) State the functions of the following parts of the tool:
i) Valve. (1mk)

ii) Warm water (1mk)

c) State the reason why the rubber lining should be smeared with Vaseline before allowing the bull to mount the cow before collecting semen. (1mk)

d) What are payets. (1mk)

24. The diagram below shows an animal drawn implement. Use it to answer the following questions.

a) Label parts (1½mks)
b) Name the part that requires regular sharpening (½mk)
c) State three advantages of using animal power. (1½mks)

Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided.

25. a) Describe the features of an ideal calf pen. (10mks)
b) Distinguish between cropping and harvesting as used in fish farming. (2mks)
c) Describe the maintenance practices on a fish pond or Describe management practices that would ensure maximum fish harvest from a fish pond. (8mks)
26. a) Outline the differences between diesel and petrol engine. (8mks)
b) Describe the working mechanism of a four stroke cycle engine. (12mks)
27. a) Describe the life cycle of a two host tick. (11mks)
b) Discuss brucellosis disease under the following sub-headings.
i) Causal agent (1mk)
ii) Livestock attacked (2mk)
iii) Symptoms of attack (3mk)
iv) Control measures (3mks)


KCSE Sample Agriculture Questions

1. a) What is a zero grazing unit. (½mrk)
b) If a dairy cow is noticed to be showing first signs of heat at 6.00am. What time should it be inserminated. (½mrk)
2. Give the difference in appearance between Wessex saddleback and Berkshire breeds of pig. (1mrk)
3. Name the casual organism of anaplasmosis. (½mrk)
4. Give three factors that influence digestibility of feeds in livestock. (1½ mrk)
5. State the roles played by the following parts of a combined harvester. (2mrks)
(ii) Auger………………………………………………………………………………………
(iii) Front beater ………………………………………………………………………………
(iv)Threshing drum ………………………..………………………………………………

6. Name the two diseases which are controlled by one vaccine in livestock.(1mrk)
7. Give four structural requirement of good form of store. (2mrks)
8. State three characteristics of the African wild bee, which makes it better in bee keeping than European bee. (1½mrk)
9. Differentiate between flushing and steaming up in livestock production. (1mrk)
10. Give two effects of fleas on host animals. (1mrk)
11. Give six advantages of using deep litter system in poultry production. (3mrks)
12. Mention four advantages of embryo transplant in cattle. (2mrks

13. Give three sources of water for farm animals. (1½mrks)
14. State four function s of the lubrication system in a tractor engine. (2mrks)
15. List six causes of sterility in dairy cows. (3mrks)
16. What is the advantage of dehorning by use of dehorning wire. (1mrk)
17. a) Under specific feed classes for the following feedstuffs. (1mrk)
-Fish meal …………………………………………………………………………………..
-Banana stem ………………………………………………………………………………
b) Name four livestock nutritional diseases. (2mrks)
18. Apart from high butter fat which other good qualities is jersey breed having over other exotic dairy breeds. (1mrk)
19. What is out crossing. (1mrk)

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the space provided.
20. Study the illustration of the farm structure below and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the parts A, B, C and D. (2mrks)
(ii) State the functions of the parts A to D (2mrks)
(iii) Name two chemicals preservatives used to treat wooden parts of the structure against insect and fungal damage. (1mrk)
21. Assume you have a piece of sawn timber with dimensions as shown below.

Describe how a round handle 85cm long would be prepared from the piece of timber and fixed to an axe as shown below. For each operation name the correct hand tool (s) that would be used. (5mrks)

22. The diagrams below represent strokes in two stroke cycle engine. Use it to answer the questions below.

(i) Identify the strokes and explain what is happening in each stroke. (5mrks)
23. Describe the procedure which should be followed to castrate a three week old piglet using surgical method. (5mrks)

Answer any two questions in this section in the space provided after the questions.
24. Describe the management of layers in deep litter system from day one to week 20. (20mrks)
25. a) Discuss the structural and functional difference between petrol and diesel engine. (10mrks)
b) Give the operational difference between disc and mould-board plough. (5mrks)
c) Give the conditions under which a farmer would use animal power instead of tractor power in seedbed preparation. (5mrks)
26. a) Outline the factors that should be considered when planning the layout of a mixed farm. (10mrks)
b) Describe foot rot disease in sheep management under
(i) -Cause (1mrk)
(ii)- Symptoms (4mrks)
(iii)- Control (5mrks)

Free Agriculture Sample Questions


Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. Why is too much air undesirable in the process of silage making? (1mk)

2. Give two reasons for washing he udder with warm water before milking. (1mk)
3. Give four reasons for lubricating a tractor engine. (2mks)

4. State four qualities of a good creep feed (2mks)

5. State four maintenance practices that should be carried out on secateurs.

6. Give two uses of wind power in the farm (2mks)
7. Give two reasons for holding animals in the drainage yard of a cattle dip after dipping. (2mks)

8. State four reasons why goats are suitably adapted to marginal areas.(2mks)

9. Outline four objectives of livestock breeders. (2mks)

10. Give four factors affecting the quality of honey. (2mks)

11. Name two cattle diseases caused by virus. (2mks)

12. State two methods used to strengthen concrete. (2mks)

13. Give the functional difference between the following tools.
(a) Stock and die and pipe cutter. (1mk)

(b) Ballpein hammer and claw hammer (1mk)

14. Name two methods used in identifying goats. (2mks)
15. Give two reasons why bees swarm. (2mks)

16. State four disadvantages of artificial insemination (2mks)

Answer All the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

17(a) The illustration below shows a dairy cow suffering from a disease. Three days after calving the cow went down with its head turned back and was unable to stand.

i) Which disease did the cow suffer from? (1/2 mk)

ii) State two ways of preventing the disease you have identified in (i) above. (2mks)

(b) Below is an illustration of an activity carried out by a poultry farmer keeping layers.

(i) Identify the activity carried out using the set-up (1/2mk)

(ii) State four defects in an egg that can be detected using this set-up. (2mks)

18. The diagram below represents part of a building, study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(i) Name the parts labelled.
(ii) State the function of C (1mk)

(iii) Name the three components used in making the part labelled D. (2mks)

19. The diagram below shows a farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify the farm implement illustrated above (1/2 mk)

(b) Name the parts labelled G,H,J,K. (2mks)

(c) State the functions of the parts labelled G, H, J K (1 ½ mk)

(d) Give two maintenance practices that should be carried out on the implement before the start of the days work. (1mk)

20. Below is a diagram of a sheep with some parts labelled A and B. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

(a) What operation is usually carried out on the part labelled A during a sheep’s early stages of life? (1mk)

(b) Why is it necessary to carry out the operation in (a) above? (1mk)

(c) Give two methods of carrying out the operation in (a) above (1mk)

(d) How should the sheep be held when shearing wool around the part labelled B.

21(a) Describe the artificial rearing of a day old chick to the end of brooding.(14mks)




(b) Describe the characteristics of a poor layer which should be considered during culling. (6mks)


22(a) Give four advantages of using tractor hire services in farming. (4mks)

(b) Discuss the functions of any three components of a fuel system of a diesel tractor. (6mks)

(c) Describe the maintenance of a battery. (10mks)

23(a) Describe the procedure followed when using the hypodermic syringe and needle to administer liquid drugs to cattle. (3mks)

(b) Outline six reasons for maintaining livestock in good health.
(c) Discuss coccidiosis under the following headings.
(i) Causal organism (1mk)

(ii) Livestock species attacked. (2mks)
(iii) Symptoms of attack (4mks)

(iv) Control measures (4mks) ………………………………………………………………………………………

Sample Question for Agriculture Subject

SECTION A (30mks)
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.

1. State two disadvantages of pastoral nomadism system of farming (1mk)

2. Name four species of fresh water fish reared in Kenya (2mks)

3. Give two reasons why the Jersey breed of cattle is better suited to marginal areas than Friesian breed (1mk)

4. Name the most appropriate tool for carrying out each of the following farm practice (2mks)
(i) Castrating piglets

(ii) Storage and transportation of milk

(iii) Marking points for drilling in on a metal sheet

(iv) Relieving ruminant animal of bloat

5. Give four ways in which diseases can be spread from one animal to another within the farm (2mks)

6. (a) State four signs of infestation by external parasites in livestock (2mks)

(b) Name the intermediate host for each of the following internal parasites
(i) Tapeworms (1/2mk)

(ii) Liverfluke (1/2mk)

7. (a)Why should Irish potatoes not be fed to livestock (1mk)

(b) What should be done to irish potatoes to facilitate digestion (1mk)

8. Give four methods that can be used to improve local breeds of livestock (2mks)

9. State three reasons why feeding of bees is important (11/2 mks)

10. Outline four reasons for steaming up dairy goats (2 mks)

11. State three advantages of using a spray race for controlling parasites (11/2mks).

12. Mention four causes of stress to a flock of layers (2mks)

13. State two methods of feeding colostrums to a newly born calf (1mk).

14. Mention three limitations of using human power in a farm (11/2mks).

15. List three implements that are connected to the power take off shaft of a tractor (11/2mks).

16. Mention three predisposing factors for mastitis disease (11/2mks)

17. Mention three notifiable diseases in cattle (11/2 mks)

18. State two qualities of clean milk (1mk)

ANSWER ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided:
19. (a) Differentiate between maintenance ration and production rations (1mk)

(b) A farmer wanted to prepare a 200kg of calf rearing ration containing 20% DCP. Using the Pearson’s square method, calculate the amount of maize containing 10% SCP and Sunflower containing 35% DCP that the farmer would need to prepare the ration (show your working) (4mks)

20. Use the diagram given below to answer the questions that follows:

(a) i. Name the routine practice carried out on the part labeled R.(1mk)

(ii) Give two reasons for carrying out the practice named in a (i) above (2mks)

(b) (i) Name one disease that affect the part labeled S (1mk)

(ii) State two control measures of the disease named in b (i) above (1mk)

21. Diagrams M N P and Q represent some farm tools.

(a) Identify the tools labeled MNP and AQ (2mks)


(b) Give the use of each of the tools named above (2mks)


(c) State two maintenance practices that should be carried out on tool M (1mk)

22. The diagram below shows a farm implement. Study it and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Identify the farm implement illustrated above (1mk)

(b) Name the parts labeled G H J and K.


(c) State four functions of the farm implement illustrated above (2mks)

Answer any TWO questions in this section in the spaces provided at the back of question paper

23 (a) State six features at the ideal calf pen (6mks)
(b) Describe the use of fences in the farm (8mks)
(c) State six factors considered when siting farm structures (6mks)

24. Describe management practices of sheep from birth up to the time of mating (20mks)

25 (a) Describe structural and functional differences between petrol and diesel engine. (10mks)

(b) Outline the maintenance practices that should be carried out on a farm tractor (10mks)

Free Agriculture Questions based on KCSE


1. a) Identify the factors that a farmer at Kaptumo will consider when choosing the tools
to use when preparing his maize field. (1½ mks)

b) What is the use of a spoke shave in a farm workshop. (1 x ½ = ½ )

2. a) Classify goat breeds on the basis of purpose for which they are kept. (1½ mks)

b) Name any three breeds of sheep reared for wool in Kenya. (1½ mks)

c) Differentiate the morphological characteristics of dromedary and bacterian species
of camel. (1½ mks)

3. a) Name any four extoparasites affecting farm livestock. ( 2mks)
b) Identify the different ways by which farmers can apply accaricides when controlling ticks in livestock. (1 ½ mks)

4. a) Define the following terminologies as used in livestock breeding.
(i) Close breeding. ( ½ mk)

ii) Out breeding ( ½ mk)

b) List the three methods that dairy farmers can use in out breeding. (1½ mks)
5. a) Identify the different ways by which vaccines can be administered to farm
livestock. (2mks)
b) What is tooth clipping as used in piglet management. ( ½ mk)

c) Name the chemical methods used in suppressing the growth of buds in calves. ( 1mk)
6. a) Apart from defending the hive, list any other four functions of worker bees in a hive. ( 2mks)

b) List any four factors that will determine the total quantity of honey obtained at harvesting. ( 2mks)
7. a) State the factors that will determine the stocking rate of fish in a pond. (2mks)

b) Identify the two methods that farmers can use when manuring fish ponds. (1mk)
8. a) What name is given where hind legs comes out first during parturition. ( ½ mk)
b) Give FIVE factors that would affect digestibility of food in livestock. (2mks)
c) State two functions of production ration in a heifer. ( 1mk)
9. a) Give the specific bacterial organisms that may cause contagious bovine
arbortion ( Brucellosis ) in farm animals. (1½ mks)
b) Which species of animals in the farm are affected by brucellosis. (1½ mks)
c) State TWO symptoms of brucellosis in a cow. ( 1mk)

Answer ALL questions in the section.
10. The diagram below illustrate a graphical representation of milk production from calving.

a) Why is the highest milk production recorded during the 1st month after calving. (1mk)

b) What is the cause of the milk production decline at the point marked (i) on the curve(1mk)
c) Why is their a sharp drop in milk production at the part of the curve marked (ii) on the curve.
d) What causes the sharp decline at the part of the curve marked (ii) on the curve. (2mks)
e) Other than age, state any other three factors that influence the amount of milk production in dairy cattle. (3mks)
f) State any two pregnancy diagnosis methods used in dairy cattle. (2mks)


12. The illustration below shows the major parts of a tractor ignition system. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the parts of the illustration labeled.
b) What are the functions of the parts of the system labeled 1, 2, and 3. (3mks)
c) State the maintenance practices that should be carried out on the ignition system of a tractor. (3mks)

Answer any TWO questions in this section.
12. a) Describe the uses of farm fences. (10mks)

b) Explain the factors considered when selecting materials for constructing a calf pen.
13. a) Explain the factors that a farmer should consider before buying a tractor for use
as a source of power on the farm. (8mks)
b) Explain the various maintenances practices carried out on a tractor. (12mks)
14. a) Describe the management practices that should be carried for a sow and piglets
during the farrowing period. (12mks)
b) Explain reasons why a breeding boar may be culled. (8mks)


Other Questions for Agriculture Studies

Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. List one tool used in tightening barbed wire when constructing a fence. (½mk)

2. State four reasons for maintaining wheelbarrow in the farm. (2mks)

3. State any four reasons for castrating a goat. (2mks)

4. a) i) Name any two dairy goats that can be reared by a farmer. (1mk)
b) State any six practices carried out to improve the production of low yielding dairy goat.

5. a) Distinguish between inbreeding and line breeding. (1mk)

b) State any three importance of cross breeding. (1½mks)

6. a) Explain the meaning of the term intermediate host as used in livestock production. (½mk)
b) State the intermediate host of liver fluke. (½mk)

7. State any four ways of improving the work output of draught animal. (2mks)

8. Explain any four reasons why bees swarm away. (2mks)

9. State any four factors that may lower the quality of honey. (2mks)

10. State any three factors that may cause early weaning in heifers. (1½mks)

11. Give one function of chalazae. (½mk)

12. State four factors that may cause stress in layers. (2mks)

13. State four ways of stimulating a lactating cow. (2mks)

14. Give two hormones essential in the process of milk production from a lactating cow. (1mk)

15. State four predisposing factors in mastitis in a high yielding cow. (2mks)

16. State any two uses of phosphorus in livestock nutrition. (1mk)

17. Give four maintenance practices of a tractor battery. (2mks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
20. Identify the tools and equipment drawn below.

i) Identify tools/equipment
J ………………………………………………………………………..
K ………………………………………………………………………..
L ………………………………………………………………. (1½ mks)
ii) State the use of
J ……………………………………………………………….
K ……………………………………………………………… (2mks)
iii) Give one functional similarity between K and L. (1mk)
………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………

iv) Give two maintenance practices that should be carried out in too J. (2mks)

21. The diagram below shows parts of a plunge dip. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow.

i) Name parts.
A ………………………………………………………
B ………………………………………………………
C ………………………………………………………
D …………………………………………………….. (2mks)

ii) Give two reasons why cattle are held for sometime in part C. (2mks)

iii) State four maintenance practices carried out on part D. (2mks)

22. The following diagram illustrates a disease symptom in cattle. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.

a) Identify the disease in cattle with the shown symptoms. (1mk)

b) Give two other causes of the disease named in (a) above. (2mks)

c) Apart from the symptom shown on the diagram, state other two symptoms of the disease. (2mks)

23. Study the following diagram showing the behaviour of chicks with temperature variations in a

a) Identify part K. ( ½ mk)
b) Describe the behaviour of chicks in:
i) X ………………………………………………………………………………..
ii) W ……………………………………………………………………… (2mks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided.
24. a) Describe the uses of the various tools used in the fixing of barbed wire fence on the posts.
b) Outline eight uses of fences in the farm. (8mks)
c) Describe the functional differences between mouldboard and disc plough. (6mks)
25. a) Outline three factors considered in the siting of a fish pond. (3mks)
b) Describe seven management practices carried out on a fish pond to maximize the harvest.
c) Using the heat method, describe the procedure of processing honey. (10mks)
26. a) Describe the life cycle of a two-host tick. (6mks)
b) Describe how physical methods are used to control ticks in a herd of cattle. (4mks)
c) Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of a ruminant animal. (10mks)

Agriculture KCSE Sample Questions

Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1. Outline FOUR reasons for steaming up a gestating cow (2mks)
2. Name a tool recommended for the following practices in the farm (3mks)
i) Smoothening rough surface of wood……………………………………………………….
ii) Making threads on metallic pipes…………………………………………………………..
iii) Breaking stones during construction and ballast in masonry……………………………….
3. Name FOUR diseases transmitted by ticks (2mks)
4. Give four problems which may be experienced by a goat and kid during and immediately
after kidding (2mks)
5. What are the advantages of using biogas as a source of power in the farm (2mks)
6. State FOUR factors that determine the amount of water on animal drinks (2mks)

7. What is milk let down? (1mk)
8. a) What is an incubator? (1mk)
b) Explain how the incubator should be managed for higher hatchability (2mks)
c) State the features considered during sorting and grading of eggs (2mks)
9. State the advantages of using wind power in the farm (3mks)
10. State TWO signs of parturition which are shown by an incalf cow (1mk)

11. State FOUR factors considered when sitting a pigsty in a farm (2mks)

12. Below is a diagram of a farm implement

a) Identify the implement (1mk)
b) Label the parts marked A, B, C, D and E (2 ½ mks)
c) State the functions if the parts labeled C, D and E (1 ½ mks)
13. Below is a diagram of a cross section of a fishpond
a) Identify the parts labeled T and S (2mks)
b) Why is the pond floor slanted towards one side? (1mk)
c) State two maintenance practices carried on the structure illustrated above (2mks)
14. Below are photographs of some livestock parasites. Study them carefully and answer
The questions that follow

a) i) Identify the parasites and state where they are found (4mks)
Identity Where found in animals
A ………………………… ………………………………………………………
B ………………………… ………………………………………………………
C ………………………… ………………………………………………………
D ………………………… ………………………………………………………
ii) State TWO methods of controlling parasites B (1mk)
iii) What are the effects of parasites A in animals (1mk)
b) Below is a photograph of a breed of sheep. Study it carefully and answer the
questions that follow

i) Identify the breed (1mk)
ii) The above breed is a cross between two sheep breeds. Name them (1mk)

c) Using pearsons square method, compute a 100kg ration with 20% DCP from oats
which contain 10% DCP and simsim seed cake containing 60% DCP. (show
your working) (4mks)

15. Study the diagram below of the ignition system of a petrol engine and answer the questions
that follow

a) Identify the parts labeled A, B, C and D (2mks)

b) Give the functions of parts A and B (1mk)

Answer any two questions in this Section in the spaces provided.
16. a) State and explain five factors that influence the siting of farm structures (10mks)
b) Outline FIVE advantages of fences in a farm (5mks)
c) Outline five methods of reinforcing fences to make them stronger (5mks)
17. a) Explain the management practices that a farmer could carry out to improve milk
production in a low yielding dairy cow (10mks)

b) Discuss Bee management under the following subheadings;
i) Locating of the Bee hive (3mks)
ii) Pests and diseases (4mks)
iii) Outline FOUR factors that determine the quality of honey (3mks)

18. a) Describe the maintenance practices needed in a tractor battery (7mks)
b) Describe the power transmission system under the following units
i) Clutch assembly (2mks)
ii) Gear box (2mks)
iii) Differential (2mks)

iv) Final drive (2mks)
c) Describe the daily maintenance in servicing of a tractor (5mks)

Sample Questions for KCSE AGRICULTURE 2020/2021


1. Name two dual purpose sheep breed (1mark)

1)……………………………………………………. 2……………………………

2. State two importance of livestock (1mk)

3. Name two methods used in selection of livestock (1mk)

1. ……………………………………… 2. ……………………………

4. Define the term breech presentation as used in livestock breeding (1mk)

5. State two disadvantages of embryo transplant (1mk)

6. State four factors that may predispose an animal to certain diseases. (2 mks)



7. State four effects of parasites on livestock (2 mks)

(a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………



8. State two mechanical methods of controlling ticks in livestock (1mk)


9. Name two livestock diseases that are caused by bacteria (1mk)

ii) ……………………………………………….. ii)……………………………………….

10. State four methods of maintaining good health in livestock (2mks)




11. State two chemical methods of controlling bloat (1mk)



12. Name two sources of water in the body of an animal (1mk)



13. State two functions of reticulum (1mk)

(b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

14. Name the part of the digestive system of a non-ruminant animal where cellulose is broken down
( ½ mk)

(b) Name the part of the digestive system of poultry where insoluble grit is found ( ½ mk)


© State the use of insoluble grit in the digestive system of poultry (1mk)


15. State two reasons for docking sheep (1mk)


16. Differentiate between live virulent vaccines and live attenuated vaccine (1mk)

17. Give four ways of stimulating milk let down in dairy cow (2mks)
18. Name two lubricant used in a tractor engine (1mk)
19. List two disadvantages of animal drawn implements (1mk)
(b) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
20. State four maintenance practices carried out on a tractor battery (2mks)
21. State f our reasons for proper care and maintenance of farm tools and equipment (2mks)
22. State two field conditions under which a fork jembe would be more suitable for use than a jembe (1mk)

23. State two disadvantages of a plunge dip (1mk)
(b) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.

24. Diagrams A and B below shows farm implements

a) Give the source of power used in operating each of the implements (1mk)
(b) State the means by which each of the above implements is attached to its source of power.
(c) Give four advantages of implements A over implements B

(c) State four maintenance practices for implement A. (2mks)
25. Below is a list of livestock feeds
E………………………………………..Dry roughage
F………………………………………..Dairy meal
G……………………………………….Maize meal
H……………………………………….Fish meal

a(i) Classify the feed stuffs according to their nutritive value (1 ½ mks)
(ii) Why would cattle benefit more than pigs when fed on dry maize stalks (1mk)
iii) State two ways of increasing cattle intake of the feed labeled E(1mk)

(b) If the feed H contains 7% digestible crude proteins (D.E.P) and C contains 62%DCP.
Calculate the amount of each feedstuff in kilogrammes required to prepare 200kg of chick
mash containing 20% DCP ( use the pearson square method)


26. The illustrations below shows some farm tools. Study them and answer the questions that

(a) Identify the tools (2mks)
J…………………………………………… K……………………………………………..
L……………………………………….. M…………………………………………..
(b) Name a tool that would be needed to be able to use the tool labeled L (1/2 mk)
(c) State two recommended maintenance practices that each of the tools labeled L and M may
Require after a period of use (2 mks)


27. The illustrations P below show a method of identifying pigs. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow
Diagram P

One the diagram Q provided below draw notch marks to indicate a pig number 168 (2mks)

Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided at the end of the section.

28. (a) State the functions of the following parts of a mouldboard plough
(i) Beam (2mks)
(ii) Share (2mks)
(iii) mould board 1mk)
(iv) Disc coulter (2 mk)
(v) Landside (2mks)
(vi) Depth Wheel (1mk)

(b) State t he operational differences between a mouldboard and a disc plough (5mks)

(c) Outline the differences between a petrol engine and a diesel engine (5mks)

29. (a) Describe the artificial rearing of layer chicks from day old up to the end of broodinig (14mks)

(b) Describe the characteristics of a poor layer, which should be considered during culling (6mks)

30(a) Describe the procedure followed when constructing a barbed wire fence (8mks)

(b) Describe the control measures of diseases in livestock (12 mks)