Agriculture Studies Paper 1

Agriculture Studies Paper 1

Name: ……………………………………………………………    Index no ……..………………………………..


School: ……………………………………………………….….     Candidate’s sign ……………………….


Date: ……………………………………………………………     














  • Write your name and index number in the spaces provided.
  • Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above.
  • This paper consists of three section A,B and C
  • Answer all the questions in section A and B
  • Answer any two questions in section
  • Answers should be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.


For Examiner’s Use Only:

A 1-18 30
B 19-22 20
C 23- 25 20


This paper consists of 7 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all papers are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing













Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided.


  1. State four factors which determine the farming systems adapted by farmers. (2mks)





  1. Give four reasons for limited use of organic manures in large scale crop production.                         (2mks)





  1. Name two types of inventories used in the farm.                                                                        (1mk)



  1. Give four reasons   for subsoiling in a maize field.                                                                    (2mks)





  1. State four factors to consider before deciding on the type of irrigation to use in crop

production.                                                                                                                                   (2mks)





  1. Give four conditions which make is necessary to use a nursery in crop establishment. (2mks)





  1. State two factors that determine the amount of fertilizer to be used as a topdress in forage

crops.                                                                                                                                           (1mk)








  1. State four effects of late  defoliation.                                                                                         (2mks)





  1. State four benefits  of agro-forestry trees  on terraces.                                                             (2mks)





  1. Name four different ways of classifying weeds.  (2mks)





  1. State two causes of land fragmentation in Kenya since independence.             (1mk)



  1. State four charges that would indicate improvement of labour effecieicny  in a farm.             (2mks)





  1. Give four general symptoms shown by crops infected by viral disease. (2mks)





  1. What would happen to the price   of a commodity if the supply of the commodity decreases

without the demand changing.                                                                                                     (1mk)



  1. What are complementary products? (1mk)








  1. State four reasons for practicing crop rotation. (2mks)






  1. Differentiate between thinning and pricking out.                                                                      (2mks)



  1. What is the effect of low pH is silage  making.                                                                         (1mk)





Answers all questions in this section in the spaces provided.


  1. (a) A farmer was advised to apply  2 00 kg/ha of calcium Ammonium Nitrate  (CAN) while

topdressing sorghum. CAN contains 21%N. calculate the amount of nitrogen that he would

apply in one hectare.                                                                                                                (2mks)




















(b) Why is nitrogenous fertilizer  used as topdress and  not during  planting.                        (1mk)



(c)  Name four methods of fertilizer application.                                                                        (2mks)






  1. The diagram below illustrates a vegetative propagation material. Study it carefully and answer the

questions that  follow.









(a) Identify the organ.                                                                                                             (1mk)


(b)  Label the party X and Y.                                                                                                 (1mk)




(c)  Name the  method that was  used in preparing the above vegetative for  planting.        (1mk)


(d)  Name  one environmental condition that are necessary for the success of this  method of

preparing the plant materials.                                                                                           (1mk)


  1. (a) What is  opportunity cost in agricultural economics?                                                      (1mk)


(b) A farmer has a piece of land on which he can produce maize and  barley. The yield and

selling prices of the crops are as shown below.


Yield ( 90kgs bags) Selling price ( ksh/kg)
Maize 2500 800
Barley 2000 1500


The farmer decides to produce maize. Assuming the cost of producing any of the crops is the same.

(i) Calculate the farmer’s opportunity cost. Show your working.                                          (2mks)




















(ii) Which crop should  the farmer grow.                                                                               (1mk)


(iii) Give  one circumstance  under  which opportunity cost may not arise.                          (1mk)


  1. The diagrams below illustrate some types of soil structure. Study and answer the questions that














(a) Identify the types of soil structure illustrated in diagrams J and K.                                     (2mks)


                    K ………………………………………………………

(b)  Name parts  labeleld (i)  and (ii) in the  diagram  K                                                              (2mks)

                    (i)  ………………………………………………………

                    (ii) ………………………………………………………

(c) State two effects  of soil structured labeled  J  in crop  production.                                       (2mks)






Answer any two questions in this section in the spaces provided after question. 23


  1. (a) State the four questions a farm manager formulates in preparing a partial budget. (4mks)


(b)Under what conditions is partial budget an appropriate tool for planning.                          (4mks)


(c)    A farmer has 160 hectares of arable land, 60 ha of which is under wheat,

32 ha under maize, 12 ha under fodder crops and the rest under pasture. He wishes to know

whether replacing 12 ha of maize with Irish potatoes the following year would be worth while.

The fertilizer rate would have to be increased from 5 bags per ha for maize to 7 bags per ha for

Irish potatoes.An extra 100 man — days of casual labour per ha will be necessary as a result of

the change. The average yield of maize and Irish potatoes is 45 and 115 bags / ha respectively.

The prices are 1400/= per bag for maize and 1200/= per bag for Irish potatoes. Seed costs are

2500/= per ha for maize and 30,000/= per ha for Irish potatoes.


Fertilizer costs are 1300/= per bag. Labour is paid at 150/= per man day.


Draw up a partial budget and indicate the effects of the change.                                           (l2mks)



  1. (a) Explain the cultural methods of soil and water conservation. (10 mks)

(b)Give five advantages of overhead irrigation.                                                                         (5 mks)

(c)List five types of micro catchments.                                                                                      (5 mks)


  1. (a)State the factors that influence the process of weathering.                                                    (4mks)

(b)Describe the functioning of the following agents of weathering in soil formation.

(i)Physical agents.                                                                                                                   (8 mks)

(ii)Biological agents                                                                                                                 (8 mks)