Chapter 1
1. (True or False) By “all Artificial Intelligence scenarios”, Huawei means different deployment scenarios for AI, including public clouds, private clouds, edge computing in all forms, industrial IoT devices, and consumer devices.
2. (Multiple-answer question). Which of the following are AI application fields?
Smart household
Smart healthcare
Smart city
Smart education
Chapter 2
1. (True or false) Gradient descent iteration is the only method of machine learning algorithms.
2. (Single-answer question. Which of the following algorithms is not supervised learning?
Linear regression
Decision tree
Chapter 3
1. (True or False).Compared with the recurrent neural network, the convolutional neural network is more suitable for image recognition.
2. (True or False) GAN is a deep learning model, which is one of the most promising methods for unsupervised learning of complex distribution in recent years.
3. (Single-choice).There are many types of deep learning neural networks. Which of the following is not a deep learning neural network?
4. (Multi-choice).There are many important “components” in the convolutional neural network architecture. Which of the following are the convolutional neural network “components”?
Activation function
Convolutional kernel
Fully connected layer
Chapter 4
1. (True or False) In TensorFlow 2.x, eager execution is enabled by default.
2. (Single-choice). Which of the following statements about tf.keras.Model and tf.keras.Sequential is incorrect when the tf.keras interface is used to build a network model?
A. tf.keras.Model supports network models with multiple inputs, while tf.keras.Sequential does not.
B. tf.keras.Model supports network models with multiple outputs, while tf.keras.Sequential does not.
C. tf.keras.Model is recommended for model building when a sharing layer exists on the network.
D. tf.keras.Sequential is recommended for model building when a sharing layer exists on the network.
Chapter 5
1. (Single-choice) In MindSpore, which of the following is the operation type of nn?
Chapter 6
1. (Single-choice. What are the main applications of Ascend 310?
Model inference
Model training
Model building
Chapter 7
1. (multiple choice) What are the advantages of the HiAI mobile computing platform?
Comprehensive documents
Source code enabling quick start
Different types of APIs
Various tool chains
Chapter 8
1. (Multi-choice).Which of the following scenarios can EI be applied to?
Intelligent government
Intelligent city
Intelligent manufacturing
Intelligent finance
1. Faced with the challenge of achieving efficient distributed training for ultra-large-scale models, MindSpore is handled as?
• Automatic parallel
• Serial
• Manual parallel
2. Which of the following is not the difference between Python 2 and Python 3?
• print
• Unicode
• import
• xrange
3. Which of the following options is not central to linear algebra?
• Probability theory
• Linear transformation
• Matrix theory
• Vector spacew
4. The Python dictionary is widely identified by “{}”. and the internal data consists of the key and its corresponding value
• True
• False
5. In the process of training the neural network, we use the gradient descent method to continuously update which value, which makes the loss Function minimization?
• Number of samples
• Eigenvalues
• Hyperparameter
• Parameter
6. Huawei Machine learning Service MLS MLS is a one-stop platform that supports the entire process of data analysis.
Which of the following is not a feature of MLS?
• A rich library of machine learning algorithms.
• machine learning program is intuitive and easy to use.
• Distributed and scalable big data computing engine.
• Support for the R language but does not support the Python language
7. GBDT Compared with the random forest algorithm, which of the following statements is wrong?
• GBDT Algorithm is easier to underfit than random forest
• Random forest is calculated in parallel, while GBDT Can’t
• GBDT Algorithm is easier to overfit than random forest
• GBDT And random forest are built on CART Based on the tree
8. The following code was used when compiling the model: model.compile(optimizer=’Adam,loss=’categorical.crossentropy’,metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.accuracy]), currently using evaluate
When the method evaluates the model, which of the following indicators will be output?
• accuracy
• categorical_ 1oss
• loss
• categorical accuracy
9. According to Huawei Cloud EI Intelligent platform, which of the following solutions can be provided?
• Crowd statistics program
• Policy query scheme based on knowledge graph
• Vehicle identification scheme
• Intrusion recognition scheme
10. Which of the following does not belong to long-term memory LSTM (long Short・Term Memory) network architecture?
• Memory door
• Forget the door
• Input door
• Output door
11. Functions are well-organized, non-reusable code segments used to implement a single, or associated Function.
• True
• False
12. Which of the following options is not the Tensorflow build process?
• Building a calculation chart
• Input tensor
• Generate a session
• Update weights
13. Artificial intelligence is the research and development of theories, methods and application systems used to simulate, extend and expand human intelligence Of a new technological science.
14. TensorF1ow Which of the following companies first developed?
• Oracle
• Facebook
• Nvidia
• Google
15. In Huawei Cloud El Enterprise Intelligence, which basic platform services are included? (Multiple Choice)
• Machine learning
• Deep learning
• Graph engine
• Batch processing
16. The activation function plays an important role in the neural network model learning and understanding of very complex problems. The following statement about the activation function is correct.
• Activation functions are linear functions
• Activation functions are non-linear functions
• The activation function is partly a nonlinear function, partly a linear function
• Most of the activation functions are nonlinear functions, and a few are linear functions
17. PyTorch Which of the following functions does not have?
• Inline keras
• Support dynamic graph
• Automatic derivative
• GPU accelerate
18. What is wrong description of the Python module?
• The Python module is a Python file that ends with .py and contains Python object definitions and Python statements.
• The Python module allows you to logically organize your Python code snippets.
• Python modules can define functions classes and variables but the module does not contain executable code
• Assigning relevant code to a module can make your code better and easier to understand.
19. What are the commonly used activation functions? (Multiple Choice)
• sigmoid
• tanh
• relu
• danish
20. What are the Python language data types? (Multiple Choice)
• numbers
• string
• list
• tuple
• dictionary
21. When the voice recognition service is successfully called, which field is the recognition result stored in?
• result
• content
• data
• text
22. What does factors that promote the development of artificial intelligence not include?
• Big data
• Computing ability
• Algorithm theory
• Block chain
23. The image data of the passport recognition service is not needed base64 Coded.
24. The loss function of logistic regression is the cross-entropy loss function.
25. Pytorch Which company launched it first?
• Baidu
• Google
• Facebook
• Huawei
26. It is fine to pass in only one image when calling the face comparison service.
27. Which of the following options is not the- session mode used by Tensorflow?
• Explicitly call the session to generate function
• Explicitly call the session to close function
• Through the Python context manager
• Multiple POST queries
28. twenty two. Among machine learning algorithms, which of the following is not unsupervised learning?
• Xgboost
• Clustering
• Association rules
29. Which of the following is not included in the recurrent neural network usage scenario?
• Machine translation
• Speech recognition
• Image style migration
• Text generation
30. What are the characteristics of Python code? (Multiple Choice)
• leg1bil1ty
• Simpl1c1ty
• Rapidity
• Scalab1hty
1. What are the results returned by the if conditional statements in the Python language? (Multiple choice)
• 0
• null
2. Which of the following description of the validation set is wrong?
• The verification set can coincide with the test set.
• The test set can coincide with the training set.
• The subset used to pick hyperparameters is called a validation set.
• Typically 80% of the training data is used for training and 20% is used for verification.
3. Which of the following can optimization problem be classified according to the constraints? (Multiple choice)
• equality constraints
• Inequality constraints
• Unconstrained conditions
• Semi-constraint conditionswrong
4. Which of the following are the characteristics of the Python language? (Multiple choice)
• Explanatorycorrect
• Process oriented
• Object-oriented
• Dynamic data type
5. Which of the following are the elements of artificial intelligence? (Multiple choice)
• Algorithm
• Computing power
• Data
• Scene
6. Which of the following is not a specific technology of artificial intelligence?
• Knowledge map
• Machine translation
• Riemann geometry
• Semantic understanding
7. Which of the following statements about overflow and underflow in numerical calculations is correct? (Multiple choice)
• Underflow occurs when the number close to zero is rounded to zero
• Overflow occurs when the number close to zero is rounded to zero
• Overflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated as ∞ or -∞
• Underflow occurs when a large number of levels are approximated as ∞ or -∞
8. Which of the following description about Python regular expression is not correct?
• Python has added the re regular expression module since version 1.5.
• re regular expression module gives the Python language all the regular expression functionality.
• re regular expressions are powerful tools for working with strings.
• re regular expressions can only process string data, not numeric data.
9. In which year was the first introduction of “artificial intelligence”?
• 1946
• 1960
• 1916
• 1956
10. Which of the following description about the relationship between the Poisson distribution and the binomial distribution is correct?
• The mathematical model of the Poisson distribution and the binomial distribution are both Lagrangian models.
• Poisson distribution is an approximation of the binomial distribution when n is very large and p is small.
• Poisson distribution has no relationship with binomial distribution
• Poisson distribution can replace binomial distribution
1. Python tuples are identified by “()” and internal elements are separated by “:”.
• True
• False
2. What are the numeric types of Python? (Multiple Choice)
• int (integer type)
• long (long integer type)
• float (floating point type)
• complex (complex number type)
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3. There are a lot of data generated during the training of the neural network. What mechanism does TensorFlow use to avoid excessive input data?
• Client
• feed
• placeholder
• fetch
4. What is the English abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence?
• Automatic Intelligence
• Artificial Intelligence
• Automatic Information
• Artificial Information
5. There are many commercial applications for machine learning services. What are the main business scenarios covered? (Multiple Choice)
• Financial product recommendation
• Predictive maintenance
• Telecom customer retention
• Retailer grouping
6. What is wrong description of the Python module?
• The Python module is a Python file that ends with .py and contains Python object definitions and Python statements.
• The Python module allows you to logically organize your Python code snippets.
• Python modules can define functions, classes, and variables, but the module does not contain executable code.
• Assigning relevant code to a module can make your code better and easier to understand.
7. Which of the following options is not the session mode used by TensorFlow?
• Explicitly call the session to generate function
• Explicitly call the session to close function
• Through the Python context manager
• Multiple POST queries
8. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method. A set of variables that may be related to each other is transformed into a set of linearly related variables by orthogonal transformation. The converted set of variables is called the principal component.
• True
• False
9. The history of robots is not long. In 1959, the United States, Engelberg and Devol made the world’s first generation of industrial robots, and the history of robots really began.
According to the development process of the robot, it is usually divided into three generations, respectively are: (Multiple Choice)
• Teaching Reproduction Robot
• Robot with sensation
• Robots that will think
• Intelligent robot
10. As the following, what are the Python language design philosophy? (Multiple Choice)
• Beautiful
• Expensive
• Explicit
• Simple
11. What are the service categories included in Huawei Cloud EI Enterprise Intelligence? (Multiple Choice)
• EI visual cognition
• EI online games
• EI speech semantics
• EI industry scene
12. What of the following does belong to convolutional neural network (CNN)? (Multiple Choice)
• VGGNet
• ResNet
• AlexNet
• GoogleNet
13. What is wrong description of the normal distribution?
• In natural phenomena and social phenomena, a large number of random variables obey or approximate a normal distribution.
• The normal distribution takes the maximum value at the mean.
• The larger the standard deviation, the steeper the normal distribution curve.
• The larger the standard deviation, the slower the normal distribution curve.
14. In May 1997, the famous “Human-Machine Wars” final computer defeated Kasparov, the world chess king, with a total score of 3.5 to 2.5. Is this computer called?
• Dark blue
• Dark green
• Ponder
• Blue sky
15. What is wrong description of backpropagation?
• The learning process of the backpropagation algorithm consists of a forward propagation process and a back propagation process.
• The backpropagation algorithm is a learning algorithm suitable for multi-layer neural networks, which is based on the gradient descent method.
• The backpropagation phase sends training inputs to the network to obtain an stimuli response.
• The backpropagation algorithm is mainly repeated by two loops (excitation propagation, weight update) until the response of the network to the input reaches the predetermined target range.
16. Which of the following options is not a reason for traditional machine learning algorithms to promote the development of deep learning?
• Dimensional disaster
• Local invariance and smooth regularization
• Manifold learning
• Feature Engineering
17. The commonly used functions for mathematical operations in Python are basically in the math module and the cmath module.
• True
• False
18. What dose not belong to supervised learning?
• Logistic regression
• Support vector machine
• Decision tree
• Principal component analysis
19. Functions are well-organized, non-reusable code segments used to implement a single, or associated function.
• True
• False
20. What is the subject of artificial intelligence?
• Mathematics and Physiology
• Psychology and Physiology
• Linguistics
• Comprehensive interdisciplinary and marginal disciplines