Defining classroom and playground rules:

Classrooms can become a better learning environment for all students if the teachers and/or student guides have set some classroom rules, must also have classroom management skills, and they must believe that every child can be successful. These classroom rules will enable to create a predictable environment that limits disruptions in classrooms and encourages self-control among the children. All children within the classroom should be taught that they always have to make appropriate choices, and they should be held responsible for their actions. When establishing classrooms, rules, teachers, and student guides should allow the individual students to implement them. Most likely, teachers who involve their students in the rules-making process finds that students are likely to follow those rules.

One of the ways on how to involve children to formulate classroom rules is to brainstorm them in small groups or as a class, make them understand their goals for studying and why they come to school, children should be given a chance to name rules that will enable them to achieve their goal. In case any student state a negative rule, such as “We should be allowed to come to school late,” the teacher and/or student guide should focus on how to state the rule positively. Some of the classroom rules may include: come on time to school, listen to the elders, be kind to other students, keep your feet and hands to yourself, and work hard.

All children should be taught the appropriate playground behaviors and allow reward in classrooms over time for the students with positive behaviors during the recess when needed. Teachers should provide the structure by teaching all students the students rules for organizing activities and games. Children should be organized and be taught common playground games’ rules.

Consequences of hitting and kicking other children.

  • It can cause injury to oneself or others.
  • Children who keep hitting and kicking others can socially be isolated.
  • It can interfere with the learning of new skills being taught.
  • Hitting and kicking other children can damage the physical environment.

How children are made aware of expectations regarding behavior

Each child should be given individual attention by seeking many opportunities to interact with each child.

Role laying by teaching children how to succeed in social interaction, such as giving them scenarios, for instance, a child can be asked to give ideas on how to behave if he/she wants a toy and another child is using it.

Younger children should be reminded to use gentle touches instead of hitting and kicking others.

Showing a positive attitude toward the children by encouraging them that they can make it.

How to approach Charlie’s mother or grandmother regarding this situation and the rationale behind the approach.

  1. Being friendly to her: it is not necessary to be overly serious when speaking to Charlie’s mother or grandmother because it can make them put a defense wall before even we can talk about their child. It is important to put them at ease from the point go.
  2. Being Informative: It is important to have in mind that the sole purpose of meeting up with the parents is not to advise them, giving my opinions but the sole purpose of informing them about their child, unless they ask about my opinion.
  3. Sticking to the facts: Parents should be told precisely what happened. Any rumors should be left out by sticking to what I know for sure.

  4. Using a friendly tone: When speaking to a parent, one should use a friendly tone and not expecting a lot from the conversation. It not necessary to expect assurance from the parent that Charlie will never misbehave again.

Developing a positive behavior support plan for Charlie:

  • Developing and using a discipline referral form a cooperative
  • Teaching and re-teaching the best code of conduct for Charlie, both in classroom rules and playground rules.
  • Forming and using student support teams to determine ways to help Charlie behave well.
  • We are using positive playground and classroom discipline procedures.
  • We are providing Charlie with the peer mediation program as well as a conflict resolution program.
  • We are holding a meeting between Charlie’s parent-Charlie and teachers, more often.
  • He was making Charlie face fair and consistent repercussions if he misbehaves.

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