Common Logarithms.

Common Logarithms.

Common logarithm is the number to base ten. Also known as decidal or decimal logarithm. Logarithm numbers a prefix log. Indices and logarithm are solved equally the same way.

  1. The product of a and is 31.59. Given that logarithm of a is 2.6182. Find using logarithm the value of b. to 4 significant figures. (4mks)
  2. Evaluate without using mathematical tables or calculators,

2 log10 5 – ½ log10 64 + 2 log10 40.                                                                             (3mks)

  1. Use the logarithm table to evaluate. (4 marks)



3     (0.0246)2 x 142

0.002 x 1.14

  1. Without using log tables or a calculator; solve (4mks)


  1. Solve for x given

1  x  .642 = 256                                                                                                               (3 marks)


  1. Use logarithms to evaluate (4mks)


  1. Use logarithms to evaluate (4 marks)



  1. Use the mathematical table to evaluate.

36.89 ÷ 0.0232849 x 0.00574


  1. Given that y = Bxn. Make n the subject of the formula and simplify your answer


  1. Without using mathematical tables or calculators evaluate: 6log2    64 + 10log3 (243)


  1. Find the value of x that satisfies the equation log (2x – 11) – log 2 =log 3 – log x



  1. Use logarithms to evaluate to 3 significant figures

(0.5241)2 x 83.59

                 3 0.3563



  1. Use logarithm tables in all your steps to evaluate:


leaving your answer to four decimal places


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