Communication Skills and Critical Thinking

Good Communication Skills and Critical Thinking


1.      Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives. In your point of view, what are the characteristics of a good communicator that managers looking for? and what values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills? (Marks: 2.5)

2.      Evaluate your communication skills, sort out your strengths and weaknesses. Describe one of your weaknesses, how it prevents you from being a good communicator? How do you plan to work on that weakness before you look for a job? (Marks: 2.5)

3. Write a sample Letter/ Message taking into your consideration the following points:


a)      The purpose of your writing.

b)      The audience

c)      The structure of your writing (outline)

d)     The clarity of your writing (details and example)

e)      The three important writing decisions (tone/ word selection/ length)


Question 1-What values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills

Characteristics of a good communicator and the use of critical thinking

Good communicators are proactively seeking opportunities for developing their abilities
by offering their views and expertise effectively to group conversations or discussions rather
than simply sitting down and allowing the talk to flow around them (Khan et al., 2017). Other
options may include contributing or delivering a speech or discussion for a meeting or
management group. Communicators skilled and reliable in their talents are aggressive rather than
waiting to be asked to participate.

Improvement of corporate communication is a journey instead of a destination; excellent
skills and tactics are always possible that may be learned from and employed by others. People
with higher skills and experience will guide successful corporate communication professionals,
search for chances for training, growth and actively promote their expertise via the study.
An effective communicator is an epitome of being a good listener. Unlike just hearing,
listening requires taking, analyzing, comprehending, and applying the information in a reasoned,
logical way. Often an unqualified communicator listens to what is said and second-hand
understands the context and meaning to interact with an answer (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2014).
An incapacity or refusal to hear correctly might lead to incomprehension and breakdown of
company communication.

How to improve your communication

A communicator may improve their practice by exercising their ability to prepare and re-draft papers, emails or enhance their audiovisual capabilities from the redevelopment of every
part of their daily communications to the ideal tone, style, and substance.

CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS. 1. Analytical Part of critical thinking… | by Zaini Mirza | Medium

Efficient communication in the usual work setting requires attention to be paid to whom you communicate and do not lose concentration because of distractions like a ringing telephone or an arriving email (Khan et al., 2017). In group communication settings such as meetings or speeches, nervousness or anxieties damaging to communication can cause a lack of concentration; good communicators will employ methods to overcome these distractions.

Companies focus on good communications, whether non-verbal, spoken, written, digital
or analog. In order to execute their duties successfully, managers, executives, and salespeople
require excellent communicators. Good business communication is crucial to creating
connections, influencing discussions, ensuring sales success, presenting presentations, managing
problems, and many other facets of the work of a manager or seller. Although an invaluable help
to improve corporate communication abilities, effective and practical training means that the
most excellent communicators have specific features that allow their talents to be enhanced and
maximized (Burt et al., 2018). By using these characteristics, everyone should be more
competent and confident to communicate.



1st BA, Bcom-Critical reasoning and communication skills- What is Critical thinking part 1 - YouTube

Question 2- Evaluate your communication skills, sort out your strengths and weaknesses

Communication enables a person to connect to other people. There are many different
communication modalities, including exchanging information (nonverbal communication),
textual communications, and electronic communication. Effective communication is an essential
and fundamental way of communicating. Communication skills comprises in-person discussions
that may include telephone communication for a single person or a thousand and any other
technique, including the speaker’s transmission of the message through their voices (Burt et al.,
2018). While verbal communication is one of the best communication modalities, issues may
also be created through verbal communication.

The speaker’s ability to communicate entertainingly constitutes a competence other than
the actual content. The tone, volume, and pace of speech are included. Even a worldly narrative
might seem more intriguing to listen to someone with an engaging voice. Poor communication abilities are responsible for weaknesses in communication skills. There are numerous ways to be misinterpreted when you communicate orally. Some issues arise if a speaker says something and the audience understands it quite differently. It might lead to social and professional issues throughout life (Modi et la., 2016). It may be pretty restrictive not to be able to share your ideas with someone else. One may be alienated and rejected as well.
Communicating takes work since most people believe their listener thinks the same way. That’s
often not the case.

What to do to develop unmatched communication skills

When developing good communication skills, the most important thing is to practice
communication. Learn the language label. Try not to upset the audience, so they can do what
they are supposed to say. Connect with the audience. The speaker should not think they know
what the audience is thinking about. Explain clearly in a simple sequence (Ranjan et al., 2015).
Use varied tones and vary the speech to keep it engaging with your subject. Classes or seminars
for developing verbal communications strategies are also beneficial.


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Question 3

Writing Expertise-Sample Letter

Nicholus Mathew
15 Chestanut Street
Valley Village, Wisconsin 65001

To The Editor-in-Chief,

Australian Times,

Main Street,

Queensland 6208 001.

Dear sir/madam,

RE: Challenges as Result of Construction within the Town during the Summer Season.

I would tell the city officials about my neighborhood's problems due to the building and repair work
presently taking place in our region, using your valued and respected everyday means. A few days
ago, the summer season started, and our issues are exacerbating.

                                           Second part

The repair work lasted three months now and is well behind the completion date. And we have
chronic difficulties with waterlogging and floods in our region today with current weather conditions. Another concern is the accidents that might occur because of roadside debris and our worries is water-logging infections.

I would thus want to raise your newspaper's awareness to the officials responsible. I hope you will
help us attract attention to this issue and resolve it as quickly as possible.

Yours Faithfully,

Nicholusmathew (signature)

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