What challenges is your state and community facing and how can the federal government help address or mitigate those challenges? (Challenges aka how is Florida – my state – reforming health care delivery and how to improve health and lower costs)
The topic of health issues in Florida is an important one to discuss, as the Sunshine State is home to a number of serious health concerns. The Florida government has offered Florida the opportunity to import medication from Canadian and to give them access to members in government-sponsored organizations like Medicaid. The government now has to develop a facility to get Canada on board. In order to allow consumers to compare medical expenditures, the state has created the Florida Health Prize Fund. Mayhew said that in November, her office updated the Website with new knowledge on typical procedural expenses. For example, if they are performing a knee replacer, you may do a price shop from doctor to doctor ((Cindy, 2020)). Their cost is not just for operation but also for specialists, operating theatre and other expenditures.
There have also been many debates over access to mental health. Floridians complain
about waiting lines and difficulties with drug misuse programs for psychologists and
psychiatrists. Mayhew pointed out that the state has hurdles. Medicaid is not reimbursed at rates
or rewards for quality; there is a shortage of state mental health experts. There is a lack of
acceptance after discharge if individuals utilize ERs to talk about mental health emergencies
(Cindy, 2020). She added that to address these problems, her agency has built a dashboard with
every plan in the Medicaid system to make it more responsible for treating mental health, results,
and post-crisis hospital releases.
The state-owned Medicaid program pays mostly for people seeking care in mental health.
They need to modify the way we provide the continuity of services for people with psychological
disease and drug use disorders she says. They are looking at specific pilots and projects. In
Central Florida, the state has established a trial to concentrate on applying sustainability for
mentally ill persons. Although Medicaid cannot afford rent, it may pay for housing programs that
assist Floridians to remain mentally sick and promote their treatment. At minimum, four out of
10 individuals experienced signs of stress or sadness during the height of the epidemic (Rivkees
et al., 2020). This is an increase over a previous research conducted in June 2019, reporting that
just one in ten people had the same symptoms.
The pandemic has led to longer-term changes and difficulties, from the broader use of
telemedicine services to the increased prevalence of health problems that will likely last beyond
official ends. These permanent changes in healthcare in Florida are converging with wider aging
and population changes, unavoidably affecting the use of medical services over time. All these
concerns together constitute a unique combination of elements with significant health and
economic implications for Florida. The pandemic concentrated much of its emphasis on the
evident and lasting impacts of the virus — including new cases, hospitalization, fatalities — and
their economic consequences.
The indirect and long-term effects of the virus, notably medical and financial products are resulting from previous care and mental health problems caused by long-term isolation, are just as significant (Rivkees et al., 2020). Although these results are typically ignored, they generate substantial downstream consequences for people and society. The psychological anguish and social isolation caused by COVID-19 also contributed to an expanding population rate of psychological disease. Since April 2020, reports of stress and anxiety in Florida have grown by 13 percent, making Florida the 8th most anxious and depressed country in the 50 states. Undiagnosed mental conditions can lead many individuals Floridians to lower productivity, loss of jobs, and economic hardship. In the state, this may spill over and demand additional public spending to handle drug usage, imprisonment, and future health care.
As mental health may not appear immediately, it is still impossible to estimate these long-term
expenses. However, according to research, the economic impact of COVID-19 psychiatric
condition was one and a half trillion throughout the USA — probably increasing in the next
several years as psychiatric diseases deteriorate. Another significant change during the epidemic
can provide a possible answer to the long-term care and mental illness expenses: more effective
TV use (Rivkees et al., 2020). In Florida, the number of patients to telehealth has expanded even
more, as healthcare providers across the state have rapidly in the year 2020.
The medical system in Florida will have to face the ongoing expenses of forgotten care
and psychiatric disorder while adjusting to a growing aging population that needs senior care
more. Telehealth is a remnant of the pandemic that may assist Florida in addressing these issues
by extending the access of different groups to healthcare. Still, these potential advantages are
mitigated by injustice and economic concerns (Cindy, 2020). The COVID-19 outbreak has
nonetheless led to enduring changes and problems in Florida soon for people, practitioners,
healthcare systems, and local public authorities.
A state-wide strategy for health stakeholder groups to enhance Florida’s health is the
State Health Improvement Plan in Florida. The plan defines the needs-oriented priorities,
promotes awareness of significant health problems, creates a shared health agenda, integrates
state-wide activities with national programs (Rivkees et al., 2020), improves responsibility, and
fosters partnerships that generate outcomes with cross-agency objectives.
The costs and unpredictability of decent healthcare in the state are immensely irritating to
people in Florida. In Florida, persons in the form of Medicaids are eligible to take free or low-
cost health care. Up prompt and correct payment of claims by Florida has been the focus of
Florida’s efforts to Medicaid. Mayhew wants the emphasis to change. She aims to utilize
domestic research to find ways to shift inpatient hospitalization and medical expenditure towards
early diagnosis, screening, and management for diseases such as dementia, hypertension, and
asthmatic. She also wants to prohibit the unneeded re-entry of the excessive medical facility and
to increase charges. They are subject to avoidable admissions, hospital re-admissions, and
unnecessary urgent usage (Cindy, 2020). They try to identify what may have been accessible for
re-admission in the community.
Florida has enacted several legislations during the previous few years. Florida lifted a
health competition hurdle last year by removing the necessity for a Certificate of Need. Now,
healthcare professionals can expand without proving need in a geographical region. Mayhew
said Florida should help consumers – if suppliers have strategic implications. You know that
increased supply may boost the price and compete for quality. However, we need to clarify when
corporate choices and investments are made (Rivkees et al., 2020). If assumptions are incorrect
and suffer economic losses, we cannot anticipate a rescue of taxpayers funds.
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