How to Install WordPress on Local Server (XAMPP)

Hello good friends. This is a one-time tutorial that is going to show you simple is hosting and working with WordPress on a Local Server. In this case, XAMPP and WAMP, which best known local server, are used as an example of the Local Server. In our case particularly, we are going to demonstrate how to create WordPress on Local Server using XAMPP.

How to Download XAMPP

First of all, download XAMMP, and then install it in your device. In download page of XAMPP their different download versions (Windows(x86 and 64 bits), Linux and Mac OS) that suits the version of your computer. After downloading the software, XAMPP, follow the simple instruction for installing it in your device. Run the software and configure all the ports are OK and are ready to host WordPress. Usually, when you start the Apache (always highlighted by green), it gives a variety of values such as PID’s (4300 and 2152) and Port (80, 433) as shown below

Then afterward, turn on MySQL and again it will depend on the port number of your device. Check out the figure below

The above two figures show that XAMPP is installed, ready to host any site.

In the next few steps, I wanna tale you through on how to deal with WordPress from downloading to installation in the XAMPP and finally be able to create a site, blog or e-commerce of your taste.

WordPress Installation 

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system based on PHP & MySQL.

Download WordPress here.

N.B:-Remember any error of any of the above downloads is not  fault.

Having both downloads (XAMPP and WordPress), you are now halfway killing the Goliath.

Open Your XAMPP and turn on Apache and MySQL as shown in the figures above.

While on XAMPP, click Explorer > htdocs and upload the extracted WordPress file there. N.B:- you can rename the file according to your way. Below are screenshots showing these steps..

After you click the Explorer, It directs you to XAMPP files. Locate htdocs and click to open it. 

Copy and Rename

Copy the extracted WordPress file in there. You can rename the file name according to name your site, blog or e-commerce. The figures below show the explanations above. Have a look at them..

Having done the above, you are now ready for running your WordPress into a XAMPP. Follow the procedures below to finalize our work.

Creating a database
  • Open your preferred browser and type; localhost/phpmyadmin  as shown  below

  • On the dashboard, click Database as the figure above illustrates.
  • Create and give the name of the database. (In my case the database is homehubstudy)

N.B:- Give the name of the database as the same as your name of the file uploaded in the htdocs as shown above. 

  • On your browser, now enter the URL of your site e.g. localhost/homehubstudy
  • By doing the above step, you trigger your WordPress admin to register you in the site.
  • The prompt that comes up requires you to fill a number of requirements:-
    • Set the language to use in WordPress (I select English) click OK to continue
    • Enter Database name
    • Key in the Database username
    • Fill Database password
    • Put Database host
    • Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)

The figures below show the above procedures.

We are on our way to finish the task, don’t be in a hurry to leave. Hope it is interesting.

In Conclusion

Moving on,, click Let’s Go button.

Let’s compare the two figures below with what you have from the other end.

Remember to put the name of the Database Name the same as the name of the file you uploaded in the htdocs. Use the Default Username as “root”, for now, you can leave the password as empty and the rest as the default.

Now you are good to GO. But Go nowhere, physically, still some few steps to go. Chill.

Make Sure you have following as you wide up the WordPress installation in the Local Server, XAMPP.

Make sure you give an email.

Keep on checking here for more…

Now you are ready for exploiting and doing BIGGER with WordPress Installed in the XAMPP

It is our sincere hope that you will enjoy this tutorial and refer your friend here. In case of any comment, burning question or views, you are welcome to comment below. Thank you