Qualitative technique on consumers’ expectations

Qualitative technique on consumers’ expectations


Which qualitative technique to use in order to determine the expectations of consumers


1. Define qualitative technique.
2. Identify the different types of qualitative techniques.
3. Explain how qualitative techniques can be used to determine consumer expectations.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative techniques to determine consumer expectations.
5. References



There are many qualitative techniques on consumers’ expectations. Each has its pros and cons. They are: 1) Experiential, 2) Quantitative, and 3) Qualitative Managers need customer satisfaction as evidence has grown that their work has been
linked to Internet tools that improve their performance with customer satisfaction. IT investment
does not directly affect efficiency from a resource-based point of view. Some small variables are
necessary for accounting, such as customer relations and satisfaction (Mannay & Morgan, 2015).
Therefore, this means that investing in IT should strengthen customer relationships that can
positively impact customers’ performance.

3. Explain how qualitative techniques can be used to determine consumer expectations.

The following are the most used qualitative techniques for consumer expectations. Focus
Groups: Most importantly, you begin to understand the shopper when you know little about
shopping when you explore potential problems or expose a wide range of ideas. Eight to ten
consumers and usually in a central location (Lawrence & Tar, 2013). Mini groups comprise four
or five interviewees who discuss more thoroughly with each individual.
On-Line focus groups/Phenomenology: Normally, more personal topics or more in-depth
studies are necessary on a particular phase of the journey. To encourage conflicting views, the
consumers have led individually or in pairs (Mannay & Morgan, 2015). The method is best
achieved when a consumer is very close to the event as possible.
Basic theory: This is a useful approach to understanding obstacles and optimizing
solutions and experience. It gives a real insight into the shopping trip while investigators walk
with the shopper, monitor the behavior, and ask questions during the journey.
Ethnography: Anthropologically-based ethnographic immersions show the differences
between what customers say and what they do (Mannay & Morgan, 2015). It relies on passive observations and the acquisition and exploration of cultural and contextual nuances by
Mobile Ethnography: These are good ways of gaining information from consumers and
working with mobile target groups. The app requires a telephone notification app and enables
easy download of text, images, or videos. Consumers are asked to do a job "at the juncture" at
any environment or stage (Lawrence & Tar, 2013). As you always have access to your mobile
phones, quick and convenient.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative techniques to determine consumer expectations.


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