Reparation in Restorative Justice


                                            Reparation in Restorative justice

1- What is “Reparations”? Why is corporate rather than government reparations for slavery supported in the US? State and explain ANY TWO flaws of reparations for slavery in the US.

2- What are the components of a genuine apology? What specific apologies did Clinton offer during his 1998 African trip?

3- Is restorative justice preferable to punitive justice as a response to human rights abuses? Defend your position.

4- Should individuals be held responsible for war crimes and human rights abuses perpetrated by their forebearers? In other words, should individuals be held morally responsible for the “sins of their fathers”? Who has the moral authority to apologize for human rights abuses or war crimes?

5- Do truth commissions do a good job of promoting justice for individual perpetrators and victims of war crimes and human rights abuses?


1- What is Reparations? Why is corporate rather than government reparations for
slavery supported in the US? State and explain ANY TWO flaws of reparations for
slavery in the US.

Reparation in Restorative justice aim to heal the damage caused by injustices. It typically includes looking to the past to the error and moving ahead to healing and forgiveness. Reparations for systematic human rights abuses are designed to identify and redress the harms endured and take any responsibility. Reparations serve to recognize the legal duty of a state, or individual(s) or organization, to repair the effects of infractions — either because it actively committed them or failed to prevent them. After hundred years of turmoil, the concept of reparations has resurfaced as a means for the country to atone for slavery and other kinds of racial injustice. Despite the growing exposure of reparations discussions, the vast majority of Americans oppose any restitution. Conservatives are almost entirely opposed. Opponents argue, using ethical individualism, Why should the government pay for something it didn’t do? Slave-owners from past ages are no longer alive to
bear direct responsibility and should take of reparations. As a result, ethical individualism permits Americans to express remorse for past wrongs without feeling obligated to make amends.

                                              Reparation in Restorative justice

Flaws of reparations

i. The reparation program may expand to many existing groups
Females, Latinos, and many other populations were given privileges within a few months of the Philadelphia plan's adoption. Other victims will present themselves as part of any restitution scheme. What about Indigenous People who sacrificed a whole continent as a result of enslavement and exploitation? What about Mexican-Americans, who were denied the right to immigrate into half their former nation due to the War with Mexico? Internment camps for Native Canadians during WWII? Are Chinese Immigrants slaves of serf labor and the Oriental
Restriction Acts?
ii. The problem of determining who is legible for the reparation. The dilemma of determining who or which group qualifies is combustible enough and avoid using dubious methods that may be perceived as inappropriate and full of biases. As the advantages at stake increase to the huge proportions suggested by Coates, the debate will become more combustible yet.

2- What are the components of a genuine apology? What specific apologies did Clinton
offer during his 1998 African trip?

i. The critical elements of apology should dictate the regret over action done to the victims. Second, the apology should address the actual course of the wrongdoing. Third, the apology must acknowledge the accountability and responsibility for the action that caused humiliation or pain to the victim. Forth, the apology show demonstrates a confession of repentance and promise to repair the harm caused. Lastly, the apology should ask for forgiveness.

ii. During President Clinton's visit to Africa, he opted to apologize on behalf of the government and slaveowners who subjugated Africans into enslavement for hundreds of years. He apologized twice. In Uganda, he confessed to the slavery business. For Rwanda, Clinton apologized for western passivity in the face of the
Rwanda massacre. Ugandan president, Museveni, acknowledged Clinton’s apology.

                                          Reparation in Restorative justice

3- Is restorative justice preferable to punitive justice as a response to human rights
abuses? Defend your position.

I agree that restorative justice is better than punitive justice. Restorative justice dramatically lowers recurrent offending for some individual or criminals group.   When utilized as a detour, restorative justice reduces the expenses of criminal justice. It gives both victims and perpetrators more contentment that justice had been served than did the conventional justice system. Further, it decreases crime victims' post-traumatic stressful events and the accompanying expenses, and ultimately, it lessens crime victims urge for violent retribution against their criminals. Restorative justice methods consider the suffering done on the immediate victims of a violation and the processes in which the human rights violation and subjugation have impacted
the perpetrator, the population, and society.

4- Should individuals be held responsible for war crimes and human rights abuses perpetrated by their forebearers? In other words, should individuals be held morally responsible for the sins of their fathers? Who has the moral authority to apologize for human rights abuses or war crimes?

The individuals should be held responsible for the violations or crimes or sins that were conducted by their fore-father. In fact, they should plan on how to ensure the harm is never repeated and arrange on making reparations to the victims or families of the victims. The reparations should be in terms of financial reparations, making formal apology, making amends by establishing a commission made up of parties from both the victimized and offenders side. The conference should aim at ensuring reparations are effectively done and prevent repeat of such violations. The party that is responsible to apologize for the human rights is the president or the head of the highest office in the land-from offender side.

                                            Reparation in Restorative justice

5- Do truth commissions do a good job of promoting justice for individual perpetrators
and victims of war crimes and human rights abuses?

The primary aims are to help people recover from harm caused by the crime, reconcile with the offenders into the neighborhood, and produce a feeling of forgiveness and reconciliation for the victims and the wider community. The commission's primary focus should conduct face-to-face discussions between the perpetrator, the victims, and the communities. Commissions offer victims a voice in choosing how the damages caused by crime will be repaired. They can explain what occurred to them and discuss it with sympathetic, professional community leaders. They can also consider talking with perpetrators directly. Commissions place perpetrators in a position to play a crucial role in mending the damages committed and improving the situations.

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