Theological Explanations and Moral Abominations

To what extent are the theological explanations, moral abominations and or practical instructions of this letter still applicable today? How must is our social-cultural situations adapted?

Two letters addressed to our two 1st and 2nd Timothy central thought is on church order, soundness of faith and church discipline (Ch. 1-3). 2 Timothy Paul is encouraging him to use divine resources available to teach and to faithfully pastor the church in such a time that Gospel had lapsed into legalism and an apostasy. The book of Titus is much familiar with 1st Timothy emphasizing on church organization and administration. It’s addressing pastor by giving qualifications and the responsibilities of people who are to shepherd local congregations (Pastors, deacons and Bishops). The Pastoral Epistles give church orders, organization leadership structures, and real Christian practical matters.

Moral larned In Epistles

Ethical and theological admonitions in Epistles Paul encourages Timothy in 2nd Timothy 1:13-14; 2:2; 4:1-2 to teach correct doctrine and refute every false teaching by passing on what he had learned, he was also to avoid stupid controversies (2:23-26). The gospel of God is inspired by God himself (2nd Tim 3:16-17) and useful for teaching, reproof, correction, and training, to equip everyone who belongs to God for every good work. The sound doctrine applies to us today, knowing the truth of God’s word to defend it and stay away from those who twist the word of God for their benefit, the word of God is correct.

Public Worship

On matters of public worship, prayer must be done with an attitude that honors God and proper attitude towards other believers. Public worship is essential to us today because Christians way of life and character is to be evident in the aspect of our devotion to God. The church leadership is given instruction and qualifications to honor God, and today the church leadership should lead by example by completely committing to Christ. Church leadership should not be something to fight for but seeking to develop character is most important to create by asking God. Paul gives a theological explanation and moral abomination by writing about personal discipline by guiding one’s leadership motives and by living a faithful life that is above reproach. It’s applicable today to pastors that are ministering they should live morally and grow spiritually to help in disciplining oneself. The study of God’s word is the guide and obeying the word of God. The church is given a practical instruction to care and take responsibilities of the members, for example, the sick, poor and widowed this is to demonstrate Christ-like character and show of genuine love to non-believers.

What The Bible say

In 2nd Timothy, he is being encouraged to remain bold in the face of considerable opposition and persecution as he is mastering he should not have fear. Paul urges him to be bold in preaching and teaching and use his gift. It applies to us today, that when much is happening to God’s servants. It’s important to know the Holy Spirit is our helper and not to fear what people say but honor God with our testimonies and should be on God alone. Paul being in prison urges Timothy to preach found doctrine, to remain faithful loyal, diligent and endure. As Christians and church leaders face opposition, suffering and hardships remaining faithful help Christians got the strength to overcome and remain steadfast.

Leadership and Morals

Church leadership must prepare its congregation through right teaching so that in turn they can pass it on to others. The issue of false teachers in the last days mentioned with heretic and therefore due to deception the pastors have been called to teach solid Christian doctrine. In the book of Titus, the practical instructions are that as Christians the gospels transforms life because salvation helps Christians to serve. Therefore, Christian is called upon to be committed and disciplined to serve God and others.  Titus responsibility was to appoint elders who were to help in maintaining proper organization and church discipline, and therefore qualities needed for one to be elders is listed and not only in church leadership and the teaching are to be across different church groups to build the relationship. Every believer has materials to learn and role to play to live in the right doctrine and right relationship. Believers in Christ are called to be good citizens not just in church but also in communities where God has placed them. Therefore, the love of Christ is to be reflected by others and work honestly.

We are adapting to our social-cultural situations.

The teaching of Pastoral Epistles was applicable during Paul’s day and can be adapted in our social-cultural society today. In the discussion of church leadership provided by Timothy adaptions possible when taught and willingness to obey the biblical pattern of church leadership. In Timothy 3, the church is given a hierarchy of command where elders rule over in a local church, and this can work in our churches today. The epistles also summarize the Christian community how to live with others. It’s adaptable to our time as in Titus he highlights four issues. Proper leadership in the church, adequate doctrine and living and proper discipline. This is to encourage the believer to know the truth and refute any false teaching that is ungodly. Today’s church needs overseers who truly know Gods word and can refute any error that is not from Gods word or false teaching of misinterpreting the Bible because it takes the soul of men.

Leadership in Chrches

The church leaders are to be aware of the last days and calls upon consciousness about the reputation of Christian, especially women as Titus talks about older and younger women Titus 2:3-5. The church can adapt to this model where older women are to teach younger women. Paul administrates Titus to teaching healthy living for the right behaviors to produce good reputation in communities. The church is being called upon to teach on a healthy life with slaves, masters, by defining even the roles. Traditionally, this was so much in our social-cultures where young girls would be guided by women and boys as well, and it helped them grow knowing what is expected, and it can be adapted to support communities. The church has been called upon to take care of the widow and in turn they teach in the cities with teaching and following up this can be adapted and practiced to bear fruits today.

implications of church

The implications of church organization leadership and good relationship that is taught on this epistles can also be applied and adapted in non-church workplaces like the organization as a way of Gods way of ordering reality and to honor God (1 Tim 6:16). The church should have a program for every group.


In conclusion, the Pastoral Epistles gives and discuss theological explanations and instruction for the church and good Christian citizenship (1 Tim 5:4) that when well interpreted and taught will help our social interaction in the workplace, church, and communities. The teaching of the pastoral epistles are of things that happen all the time in our day to day living and therefore can be adapted to help in well Christian life to please God. The teaching on administration is taught across from a church, workplace, and homes also with various groups.