Discussion Post
I agree with the post and the research is well conducted. However, second and
third degree of AV block were left out. Second degree of AV block is also known as
Mobitz Type (II) AV block. The AV node is fully intermittently resistive to the drive. For
instance, the QRS complex can follow three successive P waves, which make the ECG
seem normal, and the QRS complex cannot abruptly precede the fourth P wave as the
QRS wave doesn’t lead into both left and right ventricles via the AV Node. The PR
interval can be regular or extended, but unlike the second grade AV blocks Mobitz Type
I, whereby the PR wave gradually extends until a P wave is not performed, it is consistent
in length. A type II AV block of second degree shows substantial driving illness in the
His-Purkinje systems and is irreversible. Compared to the second type I AV block, this is
a very crucial aspect differentiating (Ladha et al., 2018). Therefore, in each patient with
second-growth type II AV block, a permanent pacemaker is required.
AVN Disconnection
On the other hand, Third-degree AV block is the irregular heartbeat due to a
cardiogram malfunction which does not result in atrioventricular node (AVN)
disconnection that leads to complete disintegration of the atriums and ventricles and is
also a third-degree AV block or successful heart block. The ventricular evacuation
process might take place anywhere between the AVN and the Purkinje bundle. The AV
third-degree block shows that the atrium and the ventricles are not fully connected. The
SA node cannot regulate the heart rhythm without proper transmission through the AV
nodes, and the heart output might decrease as soon as the atrium and the ventricles have
lost their coordination. If not quickly addressed, the disease might be deadly (Forrester &
Mead, 2014). The majority of patients will need temporary pacing and a persistent
pacemaker later.
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