Urban Development in African Cities


Discuss the positive and negative consequences of urbanization on development in African cities. Use examples to support your answer.


Consequences of Urbanization on Development in African Cities

i. Positive Effects

Jobs creation is a result of industrialization. Industrialization, which often occurs as a
result of a transition from an agricultural economy, opens the way for modern industries and
necessitates the employment of more people in a variety of vocations. Rural jobs, such as mining
and agriculture, maybe labor-intensive (if not taken over by robots or automatic equipment), but
urban employment options, such as healthcare, trade, and training (Ebeke & Etoundi, 2017), will require a large number of individuals with a diverse set of talents to fill various positions.
Migration from the countryside to the city may be a selective process since specific
individuals are more willing to relocate than others.

Gender is among the elements at play because various occupations provide different prospects for men and women. Another consideration is your age. Young people are more inclined to relocate to cities, leaving rural regions with more elderly children and women (Ebeke & Etoundi, 2017). Migration preference has an impact on both rural and urban populations. If more males migrate to cities than women, rural areas will have a primarily female culture.

Modern technology allows for improved city infrastructure. Cities may adapt to cultural
demands and create support structures for future growth through modernization. Furthermore,
upgrading can result in a more sustainable city plan, with improved housing/businesses, market
hubs, and public transportation networks (Henderson & Kriticos, 2018). For instance, in
progressive cities, digital technology may support giant corporations in bringing diverse hubs for
automobiles, considerably lowering traffic in increasing cities.

ii. Negatives Effects

Water and sanitation services in rising populations, peri-urban and slum zones encounter
substantial hurdles. Growing water consumption from population growth can put extra strain on
already strained systems. Water is typically in limited supply in and around cities, and varied
consumers are increasingly vying for it (Kaag & Steel 2019). Urban development boosts the
need mainly for drinking and residential use, which competes with irrigated agriculture.
Water and sanitation services are incredibly challenging to offer to disadvantaged
locations and the most impoverished population. Many individuals in these locations lack access
to clean water and adequate sanitation. Even if appropriate water sources are available, sewerage
and wastewater disposal are frequently insufficient or non-existent. Pit latrines and septic tanks
are the most common means of treatment and disposal.

Still, they have limited capacity and are not always suitable to handle the volume of waste generated by numerous people living in close quarters (Garcia-Nieto et al., 2018). Surface water is contaminated by overflowing sewers and treatment plants, posing a significant health danger.
The expanding population, the number of structures and development, and the increasing
demand for resources affect land, freshwater, air, and biodiversity. It has several consequences
on the physical environment. The absence of appropriate sanitation and sewage infrastructure has
a significant effect on urban waterways. People employ rivers to dispose of rubbish from their
houses, industries, and business organizations (Kaag & Steel, 2019). Human wastewater
comprises organic compounds and nutrients, but industrial effluent contains a broad spectrum of
dangerous contaminants.

Insufficient Resources

Urban development in African cities has been a long and complex process that has been affected by a number of factors. These factors include a lack of resources, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of political will. The lack of resources has been a major obstacle in the process of urban development in African cities. This is because African cities are generally smaller and have a lower population density than cities in other parts of the world. This makes it difficult to invest in urban development projects. The lack of knowledge has also been a major obstacle in the process of urban development in African cities. This is because most African cities were built without a proper plan

Impacts of urban development in African cities

Africa is a great potential region with a wealth of resources and a growing population. Cities are critical to the development of this continent and play a unique role in shaping the lives of Africans. This paper will discuss urban development in Africa’s cities, focusing on three cities – Johannesburg, Cairo, and Lagos. Cities in Africa are increasing, and each one has its unique character.
Urban development in African cities presents a vast array of challenges that must be considered if these cities are to thrive and grow. Several factors, such as rapid population growth, the increasing influx of refugees, the growing demand for services, and the lack of available land, present a wide range of challenges. Africa’s cities are currently facing several environmental issues, such as floods, droughts, and air pollution. In addition, crime, public health issues, and social unrest are also significant concerns.
Urban development in African cities has gained much momentum in recent years. This is mainly due to the increasing population and their increasing demand for essential services such as water, sanitation, and electricity. Despite this, many challenges remain, including a shortage of land and the need for better infrastructure.

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