Aggression in the sports world
Aggression in psychology is defined as a kind of behaviors that lead to either psychological or physical harm to oneself, group or parties or environment. This behaviors of affecting people mentally or physically is a sign that comes from medical, substance use and mental health disorders. Aggression in the sports world may cause dangerous acts that include injuries that players get when playing rough games.
Aggression in sports, therefore, is defined as harm tempting behavior without direct connections to the ambitious aim of the competition that is straight out of the rules of the game. High levels of aggression might characterize several sports like Football, Athletics, Baseball, Crickets among others. Any level of aggression in the competitive ground can be categorized as legitimate or illegitimate (Gordon, 2008).
Risk factors for Aggression
Some risk factors for aggression in the sports world are related to several issues. The abuse of substances is the primary factor. It is believed that players use the drug so to boost their gaming charisma. Secondly, non-compliance with sports rules. Giving hockey as an example, players tend to violate regulations and instead behaves unexpectedly thus causing harm to others (Barbara, 2001). Other factors include mental illness, criminal background, unemployment, and temperature.
Consequences and intervention for Aggression
Finally, there are numerous results of aggression which have affected sports either positively or negatively. Data shows that more than sixty-five percent of injuries in games are as a result of players being aggressive. Also, aggressiveness with players may lead to hostility or rival between players. Furthermore, good results and performance may be influenced by the agility of players being aggressive. As such, those involved in planning, organizing and running of sports affairs should be encouraging performance and skill sharpening rather than competing (Prof Daniel L Wann, 2005).
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