Kids Company Case

What sense do you make of the Kids Company case?

Kids Company refers to the registered incorporation charity established by Camila Batmanghelidjh to support the street children in South London. After a decade, the charity company has enabled to help more than 36000 children. Along with this success story, the company was faced with much sexual abuse and bankrupt allegations. According to the video, the Chief Executive Camila tries to avoid questions from the journalist. Initially, the Kids Company depended on financial support from charitable trusts and businesses. They also got help from local governments and individuals.

Basing on allegations made, the police come in to conduct the investigation. Camila seemed not making sense when she said the entire research was invalid. She justified through allegations are entirely lies, citing her way of funny clothes and piggy bags; people tend to downsize her.
Another instance, Camila is heard out her sense when Alleway digs deep on management. She claims there are bonkers, not management. Alleway sadness, frustration, and disappointment are clearly behind the camera.

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What course frameworks or concepts could help us understand the situation better?

Management failed to uphold its objectives, which need to be regularly revisited and revised. One of the primary responsibilities of any trustee is to have cable management. Kids Company become bankrupt and later closed. How the company closed shows the failure of discharging their management roles.
Monitor and evaluation of results.

One could easily understand the course of the company by focusing on important and detectable indicators of progress towards the Kids Company’s main objectives. The parameter could also measure the distinction between unavoidable perturbation and problems created by management (Hearing: Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, 2015). The concept could enable us to understand the environmental and economic systems and models to evaluate the company’s better decision.

What single sentence struck you most as you read “Teaching Smart People to Learn”?

‘Pressure on Jobs is self-imposed.’ The statement is a defensive mechanism used by professionals to describe how better they are than others. The professionals believe that unconscious internally drives motivate them to high ideal performance. The sentence struck me due to its focus on psychological awareness on performing and hitting the target with maximum speed. The statement also stresses on maintaining and delivering high standards results equally with a sense of avoiding the mistakes.

Generally, the sentence stands on the fact that through ensuring high ideal targets, the professionals also adhere to deliver at high speed and quality results (Kegan, 2001). In other words, failure is not part of them. This, in turn, has led many professionals to fear the fear of delivering perfect jobs.

What insights or thinking did it prompt about the way you approach your board?

My prompt view on this statement is that many personality behaviors or personal belvederes societal and cultural interactions with prospects. The professionals are always with pressure because there are environmental factors that play a crucial role as far as the ideal target is concerned. The professionals also urge to find relevant materials that would enable them to give the best.

Equally, they tend to fear the mistakes or failures that retard their efforts to achieve their ideal performance. Therefore, this huge pressure to be strong; self-induced, culturally enforced, and, with community need evident, situational-imposed. As most working in reclamation have not done previously, the professionals also tend to feel the need to prove themselves.

Among them, there is an underlying anxiety of not delivering below the expectation. In a nutshell, every professional have several goals to achieve. The goals include such as delivering a pleasing and unilateral material, maximizing the best work and minimizing mistakes and reduce the negative feelings, and most important to be rational.

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