Mental Health and Welfare

Human services professionals contribute to addressing societal issues; to do so, they might review the literature to explore recommendations others have made. These recommendations might be based on experience and/or research. Once possible recommendations have been identified, it is important to consider any potential ethical challenges that might arise in addressing the issue by following the recommendations.

Mental Health and Welfare

Mental health is defined as the intellectual, emotional wellbeing and behavioral of a human being. In other words, it is referred to people who have a mental disorder. Therefore, mental health and welfare entail a group that is established to accomplish a particular purpose to help people living with a mental disease. Mental illness is an important societal issue that needs to be addressed. However, globally the problem is not well dealt with in public since it is believed to be originated from family issues such as curses and taboo.

Mental illness can be recommended in two ways namely; psychiatric medication, and talking treatment. Other alternatives are alternative and complementary therapies and art/creative therapies. In particular, talking treatment do provide space and regular time for talking about one’s issue, through skills and experiences. Talking treatment helps one to discover and revisit the hard feelings that one has. This method helps one in many ways such as handle some experiences and memories, problem-solving, social relationship and develop ways of day-to-day living.

Mental health medication

Psychiatric medication is a typically available type of treatment. Although this method of treatment is don’t give complete mental illness, it controls many symptoms. Furthermore, the kind of illness is prescribed for suitable drugs for diagnosis. These drugs are such as antipsychotic – which reduces stress signs and symptoms, mood stabilizers such as lithium. Others are antipsychotics, minor tranquilizers, and sleeping pills.

Moreover, ethical challenges are facing talking treatment and psychiatric medication. These ethical dilemmas are such as specialists, and informal cares. Specialists have to be confronted with different difficulties. Family members and clients choice. Such as force for protection responsibility against motivation responsibility. On the other hand, informal cares face ethical challenges such as care for people living with mental illness versus not care for patients.

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