The following relevant questions and their answers in this topic will greatly motivate and help the user to comprehend and understand the required concepts and practices.
- State two reasons for seed treatment of tree species before planting
- State four ways by which Re-afforestation help in land reclamation
- List four advantages of agro-forestry
- The illustrations below are techniques of harvesting agroforestry trees. Study them carefully and
then answer the questions below:-
(a) Identify the harvesting techniques represented by techniques A and B
(b) Give an example of a tree species suitable for technique B and C as a method of harvesting
- State four factors considered when choosing trees for Agroforestry
- (a) Five characteristics of trees used in agroforestry are;
(b) The benefits of agroforestry are:
- Name four forms of agro- forestry
- Give four characteristics that good agro-forestry tree should posses
- two reasons for seed treatment of tree species before planting
- Break dormancy
Control pests and diseases
- four ways by which Re-afforestation help in land reclamation
- Add organic matter from falling leaves
- Recycles soil erosion
- Control soil erosion
- Improve drainage of swampy areas
Play part in hydrological cycle
- four advantages of agro forestry
- Source of wood fuel (energy)
- Source of income
- Conserve environment/reduce soil erosion/improve water catmint
- Source of food /fruits
- Medicine/value
- Aesthetic value
- Feed for livestock
- Labour saving
- (a) A – Pollarding technique (½mk)
B – Coppicing (½mk)
(b) An example of a tree species suitable for technique B and C as a method of harvesting B
(i) Calliandra calothyrus
(ii) Markahmia lutea
(iii) Psidum guajava
(iv) Croton macrostachyus ( ½ x 1 = ½mk)
C (i) – Grevillea robusta
– Calliandra calothyrsus
– Croton cacrostachyus ( ½ x 1= ½mk)
- -Deep rooted
- Nitrogen fixing/ leguminous
- Fast growing
Good in by product production
- (a) Five characteristics of trees used in agroforestry are;
- Fast growth rate
- Nitrogen fixing/leguminous
- Good in by product use timber, fruits etc
- Deep rooted
- Nutritious and palatable
- easily coppiced
- Non-competitive ability with main crop (5×1=5mks)
(b) The benefits of agroforestry are:
- Provides food
- Source of energy/fuel
- Fodder for livestock
- Aesthetic value
- Provides shelter
- Income generation
- Soil and water conservation
- Balancing of atmospheric gases (8×1=8mks)
- four forms of agro- forestry
- Alley cropping
- Woodlots
- Multi-storey
- Source of wood fuel
- Source of income
- Labour saving
- Aesthetic value
- Reduces the carbon dioxide reducing the depletion of Ozone layer
Used as a method of soil and water conservation
- – Border//edge grow
- Source of wood fuel
- Source of income
- Labour saving
- Aesthetic value
- Reduces the carbon dioxide reducing the depletion of Ozone layer
- Used as a method of soil and water conservation
- – fast growth
-Deep rooted
-Nitrogen fixing
-Good by-products
– Friendly to crops/not affent crop