This topic entails the following:
- Reasons of keeping livestock
- Parts of a cow
- Characteristics of indigenous and exotic cattle breeds
- Dairy cattle breeds
- Beef cattle breeds
- Dual purpose cattle breeds
- Pig breeds
- Sheep breeds
- Goat breeds
- Rabbit breeds
- Camel breeds
The following relevant questions and their answers in this topic will greatly help and motivate the user to comprehend and understand the re1quired concepts and practices:
- State two reasons for treating water for us on the farm
- State four advantages of applying lime in clay soil
- State four ways by which Re-afforestation help in land reclamation
- Give two distinguishing features between the following breeds of rabbits; Kenya white
and California white
- Give four reasons why most farmers keep livestock in Kenya
- Give three ideal conformation features of beef cattle
- (i) Name a dual purpose cattle breed reared in Kenya
- ii) State three uses of a rotavator
- Name a pig breed with the following features:
White body colour, erect ears, dished snout, big in body size
- What does the term ‘epistasis’ mean in livestock improvement?
- (a) Explain the role of livestock industry in Kenya’s economy
(b) Outline the general characteristics of indigenous cattle
- Below is a diagram of a cattle. Study it an answer the questions that follow:-
(i) What type of animal is represented above?
(ii) If you stand at a point marked X, state five characteristics that tells you that the animal belong
to type name in (i) above?
(iii) State three areas on the body of a cow where ticks are commonly found
- Name four breeds of dairy goats
- List two distinguishing characteristics of Californian breed of rabbit
- Name the common milk breed of goats reared in Kenya
- Name four dairy cattle breeds reared in Kenya.
- Differentiate between ‘breed’ of animal and ‘type’ of animal.
17 Name the camel breed that is adapted to cooler regions and has a woolly body covering
- State any two channels through which beef is marketed in Kenya.
- two reasons for treating water for us on the farm
- Remove chemical impurities
- Remove foreign material
- Remove disease earning organisms
Remove bad smell & taste
- four advantages of applying lime in clay soil
- Lower soil acidity
- Increase calcium content
- Hastens decomposition of organic matter
- Improve soil structure/ improve drainage
- Facilitates availability and absorption of nitrogen and phosphorous
- Improve legume nodulation and nitrogen fixation
Increase multiplication of micro- organisms
- four ways by which Re-afforestation help in land reclamation
- Add organic matter from falling leaves
- Recycles soil erosion
- Control soil erosion
- Improve drainage of swampy areas
Play part in hydrological cycle
- Distinguishing feature between Kenya white and California Kenya white is white all over the body, has pink eyes California white is white with black nose and eras; has black/ brown eyes
- Reasons why farmers keep livestock in Kenya
- Source of food
- Source of income
- Cultural uses e.g. paying dowry, recreation
- Provide source of power e.g. oxen
– Provides raw material to the industries
- Ideal conformation features of beef cattle
- Blocky/ square/ rectangular
- Deep well flashed bodies
- Short strong legs to support their heavy bodies
– Compact body
- (i) Dual purpose cattle in Kenya.
– Sahiwal;
– Red Poll;
– Simmental;
(ii) Uses of Rotavator.
– Mixes trash and the soil;
– Cuts the furrow slices and harrows them; 92 in one pass).
– Break up large soil clods into smaller ones / performs 20 tillage;
– Cut the furrows slices / primary tillage;
- Large white is the pig with such characteristics
- Epistasis is s combination of genes which on their own could have been inferior on undesirable(1mk)
- (a) The role of livestock industry in Kenya’s economy
- Provision of food; various livestock products such as milk, eggs, meat and honey are used as food
- Source of labour: some livestock can be used to provide power for carrying out various activities e.g. oxen, donkeys and camels
- Provides employment; Several people are employed in the livestock industry ether directly of indirectly e.g. those employed by KMC
- Social cultural uses: depending on the culture of the society e.g. dowry, status, symbol e.t.c
- Source of income when livestock and livestock products are sold either locally or internationally: income is earned whish is used for national development which is used for national development
- Industrial development, various products are processed n industries which are taxable to raise income or national development
(stating any 5pts = 1mk x 5; Explanation each 1mk x 5pts =5mks (10mks)
(b) The general characteristics of indigenous cattle
- they have large thoracic humps for storing fat
- they are tolerant to high temperatures
- They are able to resist tropical diseases e.g East Coast fever
- They have relatively long calving interval (beyond one year)
- They have a slow growth rate and mature rate
- They have smooth and short coat of hair
- They have along and narrow head
- they have a relatively short lactation period
- they can walk for long distances without serious loss in condition
- They are relatively small in size even when mature (1mk each for any 10pts = 10mks)
- (i) Dairy cattle
(ii) five characteristics that tells you that the animal belong to type name in (i) above?
- Straight top line
- Large udder/well develop udder
- Prominent milk vein
- Large swell develop head quarter
- Triangular shape
- Large stomach capacity (any 5×1=5mks)
(iii) three areas on the body of a cow where ticks are commonly found (1½mk)
- Base of ear/inside the ears
- Neck
- Flanks
- Tail switch/tail
- Belly
- Brisket/dew lap (any 3x ½ =1 ½ mks)
- 4 dairy goats
– Saanen
– Jamnapari
– Anglo- Nubian
– Toggenburg
– British Alphine
- two distinguishing characteristics of Californian breed of rabbit
- White body
- Black ears /nose/paws/tail (2x ½ =1mk)
- two common milk breed of goats reared in Kenya
- British Saaren
- The Toggenburg
- Anglo-Nubian
- Jamnapari
- The British alpine ( ½ x2=1mks
- four dairy cattle breeds reared goats in Kenya.
- Ayrshire
- Friesian
- Guernsey
- Jersey (4x ½ =2mks)
- Differentiate between breed of animal and type of animal. (2mk)
- Breed-group of animals with similar characteristics and common origin.
- Type –the purpose for which the animal is kept. (2x1mk = 2mks) (mark as whole)
– smothers weeds
– Regulate soil temperature
– Conserve moisture