This topic entails the following:
- Definition of Health and disease.
- Signs of sickness in animals livestock diseases
- Categories of livestock diseases
- Reasons for keeping livestock in good health
- Disease control practices
- Appropriate methods of handling livestock.
The following relevant questions and their answers in this topic will greatly motivate and help the user to comprehend and understand the required concepts and practices.
- Identify four physical appearances to be observed in a sick animal
- State two reasons why tsetse fly control is considered to be a land reclamation method
- a) Explain five factors to consider when siting a fish pond
- b) Explain the measures used to control livestock diseases
- a) Name four notifiable diseases in livestock
- b) Discuss four ways in which livestock disease are spread in the farm
- c) Describe the methods of controlling livestock disease giving an example of different disease
in each case
- four physical appearances to be observed in a sick animal
- Behaviour of animal-over excitement, aggression, abnormal sores
- General appearance-dull eyes, restlessness
- Movement of animals -limping/straining when walking
- Posture (4x ½ =2mks)
- two reasons why tsetse fly control is considered to be a land reclamation method
- Allows livestock rearing
- Enables human settlement
- a) Siting a fish pond
- i) Soil type- clay soil is the best
- ii) Topography – requires gentle slope not Lilly and flat
iii) Source of water – near reliable source
- iv) Marketing centre should be close
- v) Accessibility from the homestead
- vi) Security – protected against predators
vii) far from natural source of fish
- b)
- General farm hygiene, cleanliness of houses, equipment proper carcass disposal by burning/ burying/
- Disinfection to destroy pathogens e.g. Anthrax and calf diseases
- Isolation of sick animals – separated from healthy ones to avoid spread of diseases e.g. foot mouth
- Drenching/ deworming to control internal parasites e.g. tapeworms and roundworms
- Treatment of the sick animal – to prevent spread of diseases
- Vaccination to create resistance to diseases on regular basis e.g. foot and mouth, anthrax, new castle
- Control vectors – to avoid disease transmission e.g. ECF, nagana/ specific method
- Prophylactic approach/ use of drugs to avoid injection e.g dry cow therapy against mastitis
- Trypanocidal drugs to control trypanosomiasis
- Proper breeding to control breeding diseases e.g. brucellosis
- Proper feeding to prevent nutritional disorders e.g. milk fever, anaemia
- Slaughtering/ killing – to prevent spread of contagious diseases e.g. anthrax
- Quarantine – to avoid spread of diseases
- – prevent introduction of diseases
- Proper housing to avoid predisposing the animal to diseases e.g. ventilation, spacing
- Foot trimming to minimize occurrence foot rot
- a) four notifiable diseases in livestock (4mks)
- Lumpy skin disease
- Newcastle
- Anthrax
- African swine fever
- Rinderpest
- Rabbies (4×1 = 4 mks)
- b) Discuss four ways in which livestock disease are spread in the farm (4mks)
- Ingestion of contaminated feed and water.
- By carrying agents /vectors
- Through wounds
- Through inhalation of pathogens
- By abrasion in the body
- Through contact with the disease causing organisms. (4×1 = 4mks )
- c) the methods of controlling livestock disease giving an example of different disease in each case
- Use of prophylactic drugs e.g.coccidiostat to control coccidiosis
- Use of antiseptics / disinfectants to maintain farm hygiene to control calf scours
- Quarantine to control foot and mouth disease
- Isolation to control infectious diseases e.g. foul pox
- Mass slaughter to control zoonotic diseases e.g. anthrax
- Vaccination to control black quarter
- Control vectors like tsetse flies to control nagana.
- Use of healthy breeding stock / to prevent breeding diseases
- Proper nutrition to control bloat and milk fever.
- Treat sick animals to prevent spread e.g. mastitis
- Drenching /control of internal parasites like flascioliasis , ascariosis
- Keep resistant breeds e.g. zebu to control ECF
- Foot trimming to reduce occurrence of foot rot
- Proper housing to control pneumonia. (12×1 =12mks)